DIY Stompboxes => Building your own stompbox => Topic started by: chromesphere on September 21, 2013, 01:48:48 AM

Title: Cheaper source for 3 pin transistor Sockets?
Post by: chromesphere on September 21, 2013, 01:48:48 AM
Like these:

They seem pretty pricey to me...i thought about a 'DIY'.  Forget the little notch bit for the emitter and just cut out a round circle.   Then by some HQ pins and stick em in....hah...Might be a lot of work though.

Or a cheaper source?  I don't like using SIL sockets for old school ge transistors because they tend to break off with a lot of tinkering.

What do you think?

Title: Re: Cheaper source for 3 pin transistor Sockets?
Post by: psychedelicfish on September 21, 2013, 01:56:28 AM
Perhaps you could solder the transistors into a small board and use some kind of headers to plug them in to the circuit? Other than that, I think your best option would be to DIY or buy them.
Title: Re: Cheaper source for 3 pin transistor Sockets?
Post by: chromesphere on September 21, 2013, 02:09:26 AM
Im wondering what material / drill bit you would use to go down the DIY path?
Title: Re: Cheaper source for 3 pin transistor Sockets?
Post by: armdnrdy on September 21, 2013, 02:18:15 AM
The second example from Effects Connection looks completely doable if you don't mind taking the time. You can probably sit down and pump out quite a few of them in an afternoon.

I made something similar to this...a surface mount to DIL 14 adapter board.

Cut out small circles of FR4 board with tin snips, (use scraps that were cut after etching) file around the edges to make a nice circle, *drill holes, press SIL pins with the insulators cut off into holes. The pins will stop at the flared top.

*drill holes correct size for a press in fit. Holes should be the same diameter as the SIL pins. I'm measuring .054" or 1.37mm from the pins I sourced from Tayda have a beer and start the next one!  8)

Title: Re: Cheaper source for 3 pin transistor Sockets?
Post by: haveyouseenhim on September 21, 2013, 02:51:40 AM
Find a buddy with a 3d printer to print the bases and insert the SIP pins into it. Or make some by sticking socket pins into a template and casting them in epoxy resin.

Just some diy ideas  :)
Title: Re: Cheaper source for 3 pin transistor Sockets?
Post by: GGBB on September 21, 2013, 08:01:00 AM
How much cheaper? (scroll down a bit)
Title: Re: Cheaper source for 3 pin transistor Sockets?
Post by: chromesphere on September 21, 2013, 08:10:48 AM
Im thinking I meet see if I can find a drill bit that would cut out a circle, doesn't really matter too much about the size (within reason).  I could just hack some SIL's for the pins...hmmmm
Title: Re: Cheaper source for 3 pin transistor Sockets?
Post by: Buzz on September 21, 2013, 08:31:14 AM
Paul.... Dremel hole saw?

Gord.... nice find, I need some of these too. But maybe the postage to AU will kill the price advantage.
Title: Re: Cheaper source for 3 pin transistor Sockets?
Post by: armdnrdy on September 21, 2013, 08:32:31 AM
Quote from: chromesphere on September 21, 2013, 08:10:48 AM
Im thinking I meet see if I can find a drill bit that would cut out a circle, doesn't really matter too much about the size (within reason).  I could just hack some SIL's for the pins...hmmmm

I think these would do the trick.
Title: Re: Cheaper source for 3 pin transistor Sockets?
Post by: Buzz on September 21, 2013, 08:36:20 AM
Pretty much what Larry posted... but you could probably buy these at Bunnings...

edit: These aren't Dremel products as I thought, but I'm sure Dremel ( or Bosche Australia, who handle Dremel here ) would sell a set of these.
Title: Re: Cheaper source for 3 pin transistor Sockets?
Post by: Buzz on September 21, 2013, 08:48:17 AM
Dan's no longer ship Internationally, Dan's only ships to USA addresses.

Bugger. Been looking for these for a while.
Title: Re: Cheaper source for 3 pin transistor Sockets?
Post by: davent on September 21, 2013, 11:49:17 AM
I've got loads of the socket pins i've popped from SIP strips. On my pcbs I'm going to use extra large pads for my transistors and drill a hole through them large enough for the body of the pin. They sit slightly proud of the PCB and you just solder the body to the pad and cut off the narrow pin end that would have normally been through the pad. Haven't done it for a transistor yet but used it to create test points on the top of pcbs.

Socket bodies are 53-56 mil in diameter so a #54 drillbit is just about perfect. I've only a #55 drillbit, a bit small but if you wiggle it around some while drilling you can open up the hole enough for the socket.

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Title: Re: Cheaper source for 3 pin transistor Sockets?
Post by: armdnrdy on September 21, 2013, 12:21:12 PM
I did the same thing for sockets to try different positions and components on this test board for the Mutron Flanger project.

Title: Re: Cheaper source for 3 pin transistor Sockets?
Post by: chromesphere on September 23, 2013, 01:14:08 AM
Migh ask around at bunnings next time a there.  Not for a dremel is better in my books, as i dont have one.  "WHHHHAAAA....!!!" yeah yeah i know :)
Title: Re: Cheaper source for 3 pin transistor Sockets?
Post by: adstrum on September 23, 2013, 06:55:13 AM
Bunnings stock a Dremel clone by Ozito for under $40. I bought one and I'm very pleased with it.
Title: Re: Cheaper source for 3 pin transistor Sockets?
Post by: davent on September 23, 2013, 10:36:22 PM
Embedded sockets in Vero. With a pcb you can set up any configuration of sockets that works best for the particular device.

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Title: Re: Cheaper source for 3 pin transistor Sockets?
Post by: chromesphere on September 23, 2013, 10:49:16 PM
Quote from: adstrum on September 23, 2013, 06:55:13 AM
Bunnings stock a Dremel clone by Ozito for under $40. I bought one and I'm very pleased with it.

Im looking into all things dremel at the moment.  Attachements etc.  Wouldnt mind something that can cut the odd bit of wood as well, but not convinced a dremel will cut through it straight.  Not the right tool for that i think.  Same with wood routing.  Still, does alot of other stuff!

Think embedding pins is the answer for these sockets.  Ill give that a go!
Title: Re: Cheaper source for 3 pin transistor Sockets?
Post by: sirbergersworth on May 29, 2014, 02:42:40 PM
I use some big sockets my local supplier has and cut them down to my liking. They are green and the plastic is nice and soft.
Title: Re: Cheaper source for 3 pin transistor Sockets?
Post by: Thecomedian on May 29, 2014, 02:48:48 PM
SIP sockets broken off. Easy.

I'd use those nice big ones in stuff I was planning to sell to other people, though. There's something to be said for a circuit board, even on perf, that looks professionally done with neat and tidy bits.
Title: Re: Cheaper source for 3 pin transistor Sockets?
Post by: italianguy63 on May 29, 2014, 04:19:45 PM
Since this popped alive... I've found using a "long leg" SIP cut off (3 segments) works awesome for a 3 hole tranny.  You z-bend the middle leg.  Problem is I can't find "long leg" (wire wrap) SIPs anywhere cheaply either.  Best I have seen in Jameco I think for about $2 for a 30 segment piece.  Does anyone have a supplier?  MC
Title: Re: Cheaper source for 3 pin transistor Sockets?
Post by: chromesphere on May 29, 2014, 06:24:27 PM
Ive had normal height leg sip's break a number of times I don't really like going down that path.  However, making up a little 3 pin adapter with some vero and sip pins is much more durable.  That's what I do now.