2 Knob Tone Bender issue - no sound for a bit when turning on

Started by monkmiles, September 20, 2010, 09:33:45 AM

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Hi guys....

I have a 2 knob Tone Bender MKII (BYOC kit) that when you engage you footswitch, it takes many seconds before you hear anything. It's quite an unacceptable delay before the sound comes through. Once it does come through, it sounds fine though. Any ideas where to look to start?

This is the older version of the BYOC Bender, not the ESV. Here is the documentation on it: http://buildyourownclone.com/pdf/benderinstructionsV3.pdf

Thanks for any help!


Quote from: monkmiles on September 20, 2010, 09:33:45 AM
I have a 2 knob Tone Bender MKII (BYOC kit) that when you engage you footswitch, it takes many seconds before you hear anything. It's quite an unacceptable delay before the sound comes through. Once it does come through, it sounds fine though. Any ideas where to look to start?
I've seen this kind of issue before. It was caused by a capacitor needing to be charged up to before it would be biased properly. I don't know what's in the thing you have. What does BYOC say?

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


Quote from: R.G. on September 20, 2010, 09:54:10 AM
I've seen this kind of issue before. It was caused by a capacitor needing to be charged up to before it would be biased properly. I don't know what's in the thing you have. What does BYOC say?

Thanks for the reply. That certainly makes sense. Though I don't know how or what to do to confirm or fix that. I haven't gotten any replies yet from the BYOC forum.

The pdf link in my post above lists everything in it, layout, etc. But here's all the parts from it:

1 - 470ohm (yellow/purple/brown/gold)
1 - 1k (brown/black/red/gold)
1 - 4.7k (yellow/purple/red/gold)
1 - 10k (brown/black/orange/gold)
1 - 47k (yellow/purple/orange/gold)
3 -  100k (brown/black/yellow/gold)
1 - 4.7m (yellow/purple/green/gold)
2 - .01uf film (103)
1 - .047uf film (473)
1 - 0.1uf film (104)
2 - 4.7uf aluminum electrolytic
1 - 47uf aluminum electrolytic
3 - OC75 PNP germanium transistors
1 - 1N4001
1 - 25k(254) or 20k(204) trim pot
1 - A100K Audio Volume pot
1 - B1K Linear Fuzz pot