Absolute novice - help needed

Started by Sergio Ramires, July 30, 2013, 05:11:31 PM

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Sergio Ramires

Hi guys

First post from someone that knows absolutely nothing about building pedals.

I'm trying to fix the knobs back onto a Wolf Computer clone someone made me, but it's proved too much for me. I've tried beyond just pushing really hard on them, and i'm so inept that I can't work it out.

Pics included, apologies for this being possibly the most basic topic ever on this forum.


See the little brass insert with the slot across it?

That's called a set screw.

Beg, borrow, or steal a small jeweler's screwdriver and try backing off on the screw. (counter clockwise)

If all went well with that....turn the knobless control all the way to the left. (counter clockwise)

Now place the knob on the control shaft and line up the white indicator mark to the marking on the effect enclosure.

If you were able to get this far.....tighten the set screw. (clockwise)

Be careful not to over tighten and break off the slotted head.

Now repeat steps for the other knob.

I just designed a new fuzz circuit! It almost sounds a little different than the last fifty fuzz circuits I designed! ;)

Sergio Ramires

Thank you so much! Worked an absolute treat. Many thanks.


I just designed a new fuzz circuit! It almost sounds a little different than the last fifty fuzz circuits I designed! ;)