Garage Fuzz - questions

Started by RickL, March 10, 2004, 01:30:08 AM

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Looking for an easy, one evening project a couple of days ago I put Doug Deeper's Garage Fuzz together (here: )

I did all the suggested mods, had to use a 22k for the emitter resistor on Q2 (it looks like it might be a 2.2k but that didn't work for me) and found a 1meg output put pretty much useless as a volume control for the first half of the rotation so I used a 500k wired the same way. I also used a spst to switch the clipping diodes in and out. I used plastic cased 2222's for the transistors.

I worked pretty much as advertised - splattery fuzz - which I could control somewhat with the 1k resistor replaced by a 10k pot wired as a variable resistor. I never did hear any super saturated fuzz mixed in, no matter what value I set the 10k pot at.

The real problem though, is that I'm not getting any effect out of the "panic button". If I'm understanding correctly there should be a spst switch attached to the junction of the 10µF output cap and the 470k output resistor (500k pot in my case). The other end of the pot goes to a 0.1µF cap which then goes to ground. All closing the switch does for me is drastically lower the output, which is about what I would expect it to do as described. It seems to just shunt most of the output above a certain frequency (can't be bothered to calculate it right now) to ground.

I must be misunderstanding the connection. Can someone enlighten me please?


Hi Rick,

A quick look at the schematic it looks like Q2 is shown incorrectly. I would expect the emitter be connected to ground, not to the power.

Best of luck with the circuit.



I think q2 is upside down on purpose.
Maybe you can find the old thread describing the circuit.

Marcos - Munky

I think it's this: a spst switch with one lug connected between the output can and volume pot, the other lug connected to one leg of a 0.1uF cap. The other leg is connected to ground. The Q2 is right, this is a negistor stage used as a filter. I need to try this fuzz, I'm interested in how this sounds.

EDIT: I found this soundclip:
and this thread:


I listened to the sound clip and that's about the way mine sounds. Your description of the panic button sounds like the way I hooked mine up (I just noticed that I typed 'pot' when I meant 'switch'). No biggy, I'll just leave it off unless someone's tried another way that works.

doug deeper

the trannines need to be 2n2222 (metal...not plastic(pn2222)
the second trannie is the right functions as an oscillator (negistor)
the metal can 2n2222 is the only transistor this will work with...
take care,and good luck
doug deeper
mid-fi electronics


:(  That's the problem then. I'll have to see if I have some 2n2222's somewhere. I used to have some that I robbed off some old circuit boards but I think I used them on something else already.


Lucky I read this...I was going to make a Garage Fuzz & I don't have any metal can 2n2222s.