A person could make a ton of money...

Started by tele_guitarist, June 02, 2004, 12:04:03 PM

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if they developed some sort of guide/book/etc. on what each individual part does on effects...craig anderton is somewhat close, but what about those of us who wonder what part each resistor/cap/trans/diode/etc plays in each circuit? Sure, we can all study electronics and circuits until our heads spin, but I can't believe someone hasn't taken the time to explain it in a non-tech sort of way!  :shock:

Has this been done anywhere? If so, where? I know I would buy a book if there was such a thing...am I alone?



I see that as a great idea. Pick popular circuits and dissect them part by part dexcribing what each part does...a good approach to a hands on learning book !!!
 The copyrights, references etc. would pose the most time consuming/barricade issues for a modern book like that IMO, but I never looked into it really...maybe there are enough available 'open' [or available] schematics to compile very interesting book.
 By reading at "technology of' articles at GEO, and everywhere esle around >here<, there's a fantastic resource of information about stompbox and other type circuits. Vast reserves...
 By building and working experiments, trying others experiments, [all these circuits started out as/are still experiments], posting questions and reading...there's not much subject matter relating to analog circuits that haven't been at least touched on.
 I think everything you need for excellent electronics writing is waiting to be compiled, or already exists. ...Not to say new stuff isn't being found.
 This forum and links available from here is a library of electronics/sound related pages, but also has the interaction of being able to pose feedback in the form of questions...what a better place to find answers! I like that the free vibe allows the flow of info...
 Do you have a particular question about specific components?
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Quote from: petemooreI see that as a great idea. Pick popular circuits and dissect them part by part dexcribing what each part does...a good approach to a hands on learning book !!!
 The copyrights, references etc. would pose the most time consuming/barricade issues for a modern book like that IMO, but I never looked into it really...maybe there are enough available 'open' [or available] schematics to compile very interesting book.
 By reading at "technology of' articles at GEO, and everywhere esle around >here<, there's a fantastic resource of information about stompbox and other type circuits. Vast reserves...
 By building and working experiments, trying others experiments, [all these circuits started out as/are still experiments], posting questions and reading...there's not much subject matter relating to analog circuits that haven't been at least touched on.
 I think everything you need for excellent electronics writing is waiting to be compiled, or already exists. ...Not to say new stuff isn't being found.
 This forum and links available from here is a library of electronics/sound related pages, but also has the interaction of being able to pose feedback in the form of questions...what a better place to find answers! I like that the free vibe allows the flow of info...
 Do you have a particular question about specific components?

Well, yes!  :lol: (I'm warning you though, this will be lengthy! :lol: )
Actually, where do I start....how about here:



For example, what does each part contribute to the sound, and why does it need to be there? Also, what would happen if it WASN'T there?
More, still: Why each schematic totally different, yet each does the same thing (basically clipping the signal)? How would you combine 3 pedals into one and make them switchable (in detail), and why hasn't anyone done this yet?

See what I mean? Alot of stuff! That's why it would be a good topic for a book. I know I for one, just simply want to sit down, make the stinking pedal, and not have to thumb through 50 websites or articles to find those answers!  :lol:



oooh, i'll beat r.g. to the punch here. you should really sift through http://www.geofex.com . read the "technology of . . . " articles, and look over the various circuit snippets. there's some great stuff there.

also check out http://sound.westhost.com/articles.htm . rod elliot also has some great general explanations for how things work.

and it's all free!


I wish I could... really. But most of my decisions are based on gut feeling. Or luck. Sometimes I go "I wonder what happens if I remove that one there and replace it with this" and it sounds great. The I pretend to be a genius. Yup. If no-one's done it by the time a graduate as an EE I'll try to write a book like that. :D
I don't like Holland. Nobody has the transistors I want.


Hehe...I'm an EE....(specialized in computerscience, but still EE ) and often i go  :shock:  :?  ...so the EE degree isnt magic when it comes to stompboxes.....general EE knowledge doesnt make a good sound perse

They never told me Ge diode "sound" different to Si ones.....come to think of it...we never talked about ge at all.......


Quote from: claydavisoooh, i'll beat r.g. to the punch here. you should really sift through http://www.geofex.com . read the "technology of . . . " articles, and look over the various circuit snippets. there's some great stuff there.

also check out http://sound.westhost.com/articles.htm . rod elliot also has some great general explanations for how things work.

and it's all free!
Thanks clay--I'm checking out the geofex stuff right now, and the sound.westhost site is great! I've never seen that one before.

I guess my point in the whole thing is that If I (being a 20 something year old) would like to purchase all the info in one nice little easy to understand package, surely others would too?

Thanks again!

Joe Hart

I have often thought about this.  And it does get frustrating when the answers are too high tech or involve 5 hours of "trying different things."

Maybe not a book with "what everything does" so much as what is worth playing with.  Like if a cap filters out something (D.C. or something -- I don't know, I'm a dope), and changing it does nothing to the sound, then don't change it.  But what resistors will make a difference and how.  Or what caps will make a difference and how.  That sort of thing.

I would love to see something like:  changing this resistor from 100 ohms to 1k ohms will give increasingly more gain, but outside of this range you get no discernable change.

Then I'd know not to sit there trying 1k, then 2k, then 3.3k, then... and wondering why it still sounds the same.

That's what I'd like to see.
-Joe Hart


heres what i did when i wanted to know this stuff. Put a simple circuit on the breadboard, hen when it is working, pull each individual component out one at a time while it is running. believe it or not this gave me quite a good understanding of how single transistor circuits work. Maybe im just weird......


On that note, Joe, changing your DC filter caps will affect the sound a lot :D a 10nF dc filter cap is going to filter out a lot of bass ;) While a 10uF cap might be too big :D
I don't like Holland. Nobody has the transistors I want.


i strongly recomend you read an article entitles "Cook your own distortion" available right here:
it goes through the basics of R-C high-low pass filters, and opamps, and clipping diodes.  It doesn't really discuss tonal differenced of different types of components, but i think thats more opinion than fact.

Might take you a couple of times reading through to fully understand, but its an excellent resource!


I don't like Holland. Nobody has the transistors I want.


Although there are tons of info around here on most subjects relating to the DIY Stompboxes, I have to agree with many of the others. One place/book that speaks in simple terms with tweaks ect.. would be nice. I still use Arons DIY FAQ and Mods pages all the time for reference. Maybe its just time to merge those many resources togather?
"I think somebody should come up with a way to breed a very large shrimp. That way, you could ride him, then after you camped at night, you could eat him. How about it, science?"


Thank you Jimbob,

That's what the simple mods page was for.

YOU (not you Jimbob) need to take the time to find the fragments of the simple mods in your own pedals.


You will see these circuit fragments over and over in popular pedals.


One thing that hurts my improving on my DIY projects is when im get too lazy. I remember there was a thread about the GGG site--if i recall it was about how that site might make it too easy detering away from actual learning. But at the same time it really attracts new people to want to begin this hobby. Anyway, I think im going to get off my lazy ass and read more from the different pages/sites for info. And also learn different tweaks about my own pedals..
"I think somebody should come up with a way to breed a very large shrimp. That way, you could ride him, then after you camped at night, you could eat him. How about it, science?"


Quote from: aronThank you Jimbob,

That's what the simple mods page was for.

YOU (not you Jimbob) need to take the time to find the fragments of the simple mods in your own pedals.


You will see these circuit fragments over and over in popular pedals.

I see your point, though I'm trying to point out a demand, and a lack of supply.



I believe the info on the net for Stompboxes is unsurpassed, but I haven't really bought any books on the subject except 'beginner electronics'. Anything that can be printed on paper can be sent on the net also.
 Actually a page or three on a circuit or few, dissecting and depicting each parts role in the circuit would be interesting and informative for 'initiation' to how different circuits work.
 Much of the time, circuit fragments are tied together, even if modded, they can be easily identified.
 The reads at GEO, and other sites, cover most, if not all of these fragments/circuits, which reccur in various forms in tone modifying circuits. I can't think of something interesting that isn't covered/if not, a post here would surely spark interest, and probably any question regarding 'it could be adressed.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.



I've found that having a bit of maths and some rules of thumb are really handy when working out how things work.  Stuff like "the product of the output pot (in k) and output cap (in uF) needs to be 5 or larger, otherwise you might be cutting bass".  The detailed formulae (fc = 1/(2.pi.R.C)) leads to these simple rules.

Also, if you understand *in depth* how things like common emitter stages and op-amps work, it gets very easy to see schematics and imagine sounds and picture waveforms.

All in all, if you consider the learning FUN, then you'll go a long way and enjoy the trip!

PS I knew virtually nothing 12 months ago, asking lots of questions on the forum.  These days I give lots back and my error rate is way down. (I think  :roll: )
Brett Robinson
Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend. (Mao Zedong)


Quote from: brettHi.

I've found that having a bit of maths and some rules of thumb are really handy when working out how things work.  Stuff like "the product of the output pot (in k) and output cap (in uF) needs to be 5 or larger, otherwise you might be cutting bass".  The detailed formulae (fc = 1/(2.pi.R.C)) leads to these simple rules.

Also, if you understand *in depth* how things like common emitter stages and op-amps work, it gets very easy to see schematics and imagine sounds and picture waveforms.

All in all, if you consider the learning FUN, then you'll go a long way and enjoy the trip!

PS I knew virtually nothing 12 months ago, asking lots of questions on the forum.  These days I give lots back and my error rate is way down. (I think  :roll: )

:?  :?:
Am I the only one who thinks that everyone is trying to keep it very 'techy'?
I know I could become an EE, or study for months and learn elec theory. I'm asking people why someone hasn't created a way to make this appealing to the AVERAGE person? The person who has 2.5 kids, a wife, a house, and the desire to NOT be on the computer 5 hours a night reading stuff, yet wants to be able to build a pedal, and understand what's basically going on with it without studying, and more studying.

Sort of like playing guitar--some of the best guitarists in the world don't know very much about theory, and rely on the ears!

Craig Anderton says it well--some of the best pedals get made by people who don't know very much at all about electronics, but have a GREAT EAR.

Sorry for the ramble, its just frustrating to see people keep posting about reading here, and there, and studying, and studying, instead of someone saying "hey--I see a potential market!"

ps--this wasn't meant for you alone, Brett, I just hit the 'quote' button out of ease!  :lol: