acoustic 360+ bass preamp... help

Started by o0soulpower0o, November 26, 2004, 10:14:15 AM

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Hi guys!
I've built this pedal but it doesn't work properly.... or better... I can hear the sound of my bass with the fuzz effect, but there's a lot of background noise. The led is always on (both with fuzz on and off) and only the active out works, I can't hear anything from the passive out. The middle IC that you can see in the wire layout seems to become hot.
I didn't found two 6.8 uF electrolitic caps in the electronic shop, so the trader gave me two 10 uF caps (electrolitic, too). Might be there the error?
I've used all 2N3904 transistors.
These are the links for the project:

Sorry for my bad english..
Thank you so much people!