Mod idea for Blue magic

Started by hilbi, March 24, 2005, 04:06:06 PM

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I had some problems with the higher gain settings of the blue magic, i found this too muddy and i was getting lost in the mix.

Too solve this i made half of C2 switchable, i used 2 * 3,3uF capacitors. One always on and the other one switchable.

This way i had full bass on low gain settings and i could cut off some bass at higher gain settings. Tubescreamer like. I also raised the switchable mid boost cap to 1nF, to go for a real tubescreamer like sound

This makes the blue magic very versatile.

Built so far: PNP FuzzFace, MXR Dynacomp, EA Tremolo, AMZ Mosfet Boost, AMZ Super Buffer, Blue Magic, Peppermill, RM Axis Face, Sparkle Boost, BSIABII, ROG Ruby, AMZ Mini Booster, MXR Phase 45 Univibe, Tremulus Lune, Dallas Rangemaster, Ross Comp

Ben N

Or how about a dual-gang drive pot, with the second element in series with one of the 3.3uf's? Anybody know if that would work?  (I vaguely recall Jake trying something similar with his now-lost Clean Machine, to "harmonize" settings that work with low and high gain.)



ben, sounds like a cool idea, i read the klon centaur does that somewhere...
Alex Fiddes