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Started by Hal, August 23, 2005, 01:58:47 PM

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Ben N

Quote from: NoNothing on April 11, 2007, 08:36:21 PM
I always had problems with soldering things on a PCB without it being all wobbly. I tried many techniques but none of them worked right, they were always wobbly or just awkward to use.

I made this using a dremel, old CD cases, some screws, 11/16" thick pieces of wood, some super glue, double sided sticky foam stuff, and some alligator clips and it works great. I was actually surprised at how stable it was. That's the tonepad CE-2 chorus on there BTW.  ;D

>:(  *Homer Simpson says* "Patent pending,  patent pending, patent pending."  >:(  :icon_razz: J/K

Took about a week to populate the board... well doing a little bit everyday for 5-6 days

Love the jig.


Quote from: black mariah on April 11, 2007, 10:40:23 PM

Some pics of a Fuzz Face I just got through building. This was the first time I used germanium transistors. Definitely better than silicon, at least to my ears. The enclosure is from PPP. While drilling the holes I rather stupidly sat the box face down on the table and ended up scratching the crap out of it. I sanded it down and polished it up slightly. The pictures don't do it justice.

My major screwup for this build: I found out the hard way which direction 3PDT's are supposed to be wired. :icon_redface: :icon_lol:

what layout did you use on this?  it looks nice and compact


Boy, I love this pedal...


Call me Johann.


cooool!!! a whashsync!!!
i'm going to have to try this.


you should label it "wash sink."  :D


Ben N

Uhhh, pardon my dumb, but what's it do?



Breadboards are as invaluable as underwear - and also need changed... -R.G.


wow, a bulb atari punk console!
that video was cool
awsome idea
Open Your Mouth, Heres Your Money


Kind of an update of my earlier posts.  Well, here's where I am with the board I use for performance.  Hard to tell from the pics, (no flash because my battery is on it's last breaths) but the two units are now bolted together via a couple smaller sections of aluminum channel.  They're stairstepped ("your pedals have stadium seating!" as my bass-player says) just right to be able to hit the top row w/o messing the bottom row, and I can run cables from the bottom row under the top one if I want to break the normalized jacks. 

Will probably replace one of the loop selectors with something else at some point, and eventually this will be mounted to a board with my volume and wah, but for now, it's making my life a lot easier than running dozens of cables everywhere.
sent from my orbital space station.

Cliff Schecht

Quote from: ~arph on April 12, 2007, 08:44:44 AM
Quote from: Barcode80 on April 11, 2007, 02:02:46 PM
colorsound inductorless wah

I'll build one and tweak it around, it's actually very very similar to the idiot wah, maybe I should tweak that some more too just yesterday I got it to work a lot better when I realised I had forgotten a current limiter res for the stage LED's, which caused it to skip faster over maxed out stages.. Will put some sound samples on my site soon. And maybe even a gutshot when I cleared it up a bit. (it's a tad messy right now.)

Thanks for all the kind reactions..

I recommend this build for anybody looking for a wah capable of more than just your standard "quacka quacka" sound. I really prefer the way it almost morphs between the high and low. Very cool effect.


SFR, really inspirational stuff, but what ARE they all?  Especially the one with the jillion knobs?

Here's another big cheese, with some fun mods.  Gez sold me on the acrylic sheet decal protection technique:


Quote from: Processaurus on April 16, 2007, 04:48:06 AM
SFR, really inspirational stuff, but what ARE they all?  Especially the one with the jillion knobs?

Ah, sorry.

The signal chain starts on the right hand side on the lower level, proceeds leftwards, and then jumps over to the right hand side on the upper level and continues left again.

Lower side -

1) A/B box (this is to let me switch my HOG [not diy!] and the Scrambler at the same time - power and ground bus meet up under this one as well.)
2) Scrambler
3) Mr. EQ 
4) LPB
5) Dist+
6) Octavia
7) Small Clone

Upper side -

1)Another A/B loop selector type deal - don't really need two, but needed somewhere to tie power and ground busses, and I had an extra "slot" left in the board.
2) A/DA Flange
3) Tremulous Lune  (What else would have that many knobs, switches, and LEDs?)
4) PT-80 Delay

Probably swap in a different distortion, and am itching to get around to trying the Omega, which may replace the LPB. 

It's not the prettiest thing, but it solves a lot of problems I have had with the "gigability" of my rig.  Now I spend less time packing and unpacking and hooking up pedals, it gives me more time to actually play them. 
sent from my orbital space station.


Well.. it doesn't have to nice, right? It has to be practical.. if it's also nice, better :D

Congrats.. that's nice :D Why won't you label them?

John Lyons

Dig that box Processaurus! The orange and greyish looks nice. The Lined paper asthetic is neat too!


Basic Audio Pedals


Quote from: Processaurus on April 16, 2007, 04:48:06 AM
SFR, really inspirational stuff, but what ARE they all?  Especially the one with the jillion knobs?

Here's another big cheese, with some fun mods.  Gez sold me on the acrylic sheet decal protection technique:

nice!  any info on the "fun mods"...?


Finished a Mad Quacker, well actually a Nurse Quacky. I've built a few envelope filters by now, the MXR, a Mutron3 and Penfolds autowah. Think I might have found a favourite here.
Just hope I don't here from Disney :icon_confused:

Visit my site:

black mariah

Thanks for the nice words, guys! Especially about the wiring. I'm always worried about how it looks. :icon_mrgreen:

The layout is a PCB from GGG. This is the second time I've used them, and it won't be the last.

I just can't wait to get this thing mailed off and hear back from the guy I built it for. He's gonna love it.