Purple Face v2.0 schematic

Started by Steben, November 03, 2005, 05:51:39 AM

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For you guys that remember purple face... this the second version with added versatility. Going to build it soon, so it's a glimpse of my plan.
- tone control with level compensating dual gang. Since normal treble down always means overall volume loss.
- from 470k to 100k LOAD pot. Up 100k ment no audible difference. Added a treble cap, which accounts for treble boost at high load and treble bleed in between. Interactive with guitar's volume control which is w or w/o bleed cap...
- 470pf anti-squeek feedback cap in fuzz stage. Smooths a little the fuzz I guess.
- Buffer changed to FET buffer. One part less, easy impedance setting, if overloaded more smooth.

Gonna try it with J201 and low-gain silicons. Perhaps an NPN AC187 I have around an be used for Q2?
EDIT: name should be Purple FACE, not FUZZ! mistake-ah-to-make-ah

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