SD-1 with 12AX7 as Diode.

Started by CrazyMisfit, January 27, 2006, 02:00:24 AM

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hey there,  just wondering if anyone has a schematic or detailed diagrams of how to add a 12XA7 to replace some clipping diodes for an SD-1.  I know this has been brought up before.  Once from myself, and once a some time back when.  I am hoping someone has done it and would really like to see how and hear (if possible) how it turned out...



hmmm .... not exactly sure but it may work like using a transistor as a diode ... A 12AX7 is a dual triode ... maybe you just take use the grid and cathode to make the diode ... the heater will run off 6 to 12V depeding on how you wire it but seems to me that the heater draws a rather large amount of current ... Not sure what you'd do with the plate...

Sorry I'm not much help as my tube knowledge is limited and forgotten  :icon_mrgreen:

I guess my question would be: is it worth the work ? .... I'd love to hear the diff before attempting it. I'm sure it looks cool and has a certain tube "Mojo" but .... hmmmmm


someone on this forum experimented with using a tube as diod for clipping a few years back ( might find it in the archives? ), and I believe the verdict was "it works, but not really worth the trouble" kind of thing....



You would probably get a better result from using a Ge transistor ( low gain and leaky ) as a diode.
I think there have been posts about this also ..
It would actually "fit" in the pedal too !!

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