Question about using a buffer before EQ

Started by Joecool85, February 05, 2006, 10:16:45 AM

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I was thinking about my preamp again, since I will be building it in the next month or so, and was wondering...

If I do this:
Aron's 3 band passive EQ

Will the buffer mess with the EQ?  I know that the way caps work is that depending on the resistance it changes where it cuts off frequencies.  Well, if its made for guitar pickup (10k ohm or so) wouldn't a buffer mess it up?  From what I understand a buffer will give 200-300 ohms coming out of it.
Life is what you make it.


Ok, well, I build a simple buffer, then clipped a lead to make it a different buffer, and neither one seemed to do much of anything.  I tried running guitar straight into it, my fuzz pedal, and my danelectro black coffee metal pedal - all of these into my K20 and then again into my little gem.  It didn't seem to do anything at all.  So, I don't think I will even bother having a buffer at the front of the circuit.  So it looks like the eq/preamp I'll be using on my lm3886 will simply be arons 3 band eq followed by a LPB-1.
Life is what you make it.


Here is a pic:

At first I built this:

Then I cut a lead which made it this:

I used a MPF102
Life is what you make it.