boss RV-3 repair attempt

Started by choklitlove, June 01, 2006, 06:56:55 PM

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i found a RV-3 digital reverb/ delay pedal for $25.  it looked to be in great condition, but it doesn't work.  too good to be true...

anyway, here's what happens: when connected to wall wart or a battery or both, the light is always on even when "switched" via stomp.  although the light is on, there is no effect, but the "balance" knob affects the sound ever-so-slightly.  but no effect.  i thought this might be a switch problem, so i disconnected the two wires from the switch, and touched them together, but this made no difference.  i looked at the main board a little, but being that it's almost all smd and ic's, i hope that's not where the problem is.

GGG has a schematic, so it might help:

anyone have any ideas?  thanks!

oh yeah, aaron: i think a repair (of manufactured stomps) forum would be cool...
my band.                    my DIY page.                    my solo music.

nag hammadi

i have one of those that is broken as well.  what SUCKS is that my bride saved up for a while and bought it for me out of the blue, brand new. 

it lasted a month.  that is pretty much what made me swear off mass produced pedals (and later on, amps) until today. 

i second the notion for the commercial pedal repair form.
in the face of you all i stand defiant - subhumans


Looking at that schematic, the footswitch tells the computer (the M37470 chip) to do something, which it then passes on to the FET switching.   I would start by checking the voltage on the gate of the each FET - it should change when the switch is depressed.  Going by the schem, they should be alternating - one will be high while the other is low, etc.