Umble Offboard Wiring Question

Started by BGillis, June 14, 2006, 03:25:50 PM

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Hello All,
I'm currently trying to build the ROG Umble and don't know how to complete the wiring of the Pots... I've thrown together a picture/diagram that I pieced together and posted it here If a more knowledgeable user could fill in the blanks for me it would be greatly appreciated. The Pic should be self explanatory.

Thanks in advance,


Are you doing the PCB or perfboard layout? 


Are you doing the PCB or perfboard layout? 

Thanks Scotsman...

It's Perfboard...



I've got it for PCB - Maybe it will help.  The 1's on the image represent lug 1 on the pot.  Obviously 2 and 3 follow that.  Also shows how to wire for true bypass


Thanks Scotsman,
I think I'll be able to wire them up now... Unfortunately it's hard to find instructions for wiring pots. The FAQ helps, but then when you put 4 or 5 on a board and newbies like me are in trouble... Just another learning curve for me I'm sure.

Thanks again,

Dave Eason

Hi there BGillis,

Did you ever sort it?  I built one on perfboard, and it sounded fantastic I have to say, and wired it as follows:

Be careful that the pots aren't "reversed" so to speak, that they all turn up and down in the same directions; if they are just swap the wiring over.

If you are building in a metal enclosure, wire the enclosure to ground, then all the ground lugs from pots to the back of the pot casings etc, which should work fine.



Thanks Dave... That's fantastic. You must've found out that I was going to do the wiring today. I have a feelin' this'll help a lot of other newbies with wiring questions. I just need things drawn out so an above average house plant could figure it out at this point.

BTW, What an awesome sounding box ha? I saw a post for a Double D Vero board layout here yesterday. That's a nice sounding board too... Maybe that'll next...


Dave Eason

I wouldn't actually mind a go in the future when I have a little more cash and resources to have a go at a dumble amp itself, with modifications.  I think an amplifier would be a really nice on going and well worth while project.

Have you ever tried the Crowther Hotcake overdrive?  That's a very nice smooth sounding overdrive, one of the finest in my opinion.  It almost mixes the clean with the overdriven, then you can change the timbre of it with a presence control.  It has that "still sounds clean but overdriven like mad" sound about it, very transparent, too transparent for some people and not dirty enough, but still great.



That Crowther Hotcake sounds like what I've been looking for... I'm tryin' to get as close to Larry Carlton as possible by spending just a little less than the $60,000 or so that he's spent. If you know what I mean... I'm gonna' see if I can find the Crowther Hotcake now...
