Crash Sync/Auto Crash Envelope Circuit Schemo ? Moosapotamus ?

Started by Jamforthelamb, October 10, 2006, 11:50:45 AM

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Hey Everyone,
I'm looking for the schematic for the envelope circuit that Moosapotamus used on his version of the Crash Sync. I can't seem to find anywhere with the search, and I would like to build one like it.

Here's the link.



At the moment, I don't have access to a sketch of the exact envelope control I used. I can post it later, but the 386 method in Tim's current version of the uglyface should work, too.

~ Charlie
"I tend to like anything that I think sounds good."


Hey Charlie,
To use the 386 would mean that I would have to use 3 ICs right ?
If there's anyway possible you could send the sketch that would be awesome. I'm trying to keep my parts count low if I can.



I don't have the 56k resistors called for in the schemo, would it be ok to use 47k ?



If you also have a 10K, try putting that in series with the 47K. That might be a little better than the 47K on it's own.

Here's the envelope control I used on the autocrash...

It's wired in like I describe on my autocrash page.

FWIW... the autocrash is basically a different flavour of uglyface. As I built it, perhaps not quite as extreme sounding as the uglyface. But there are sound clips of both on my web site, so you can compare them and go for whichever you prefer. 8)

~ Charlie
"I tend to like anything that I think sounds good."


Thanks Man!
I'm planning on building it into a set of PC driving pedals. I'll let you know how it goes.



hi there

i don't;t think there are any vtl5c3 available for a reasonable price in my country(the cheapest I've found is about 15 bucks!!!) so I'd like to use led and a photoresistor instead. the question is what kind of photoresistor it should be? the vtl datasheet says that it is 1.5k-10M but i haven't heard about such a big ldr.

any ideas on what should i use


there's a guy in the US that sells pairs of these (worldwide) on ebay for $7

search for VTL5C3 Vactrol