Hysteresis Oscillator new effect (555, stutter, atari)

Started by choklitlove, November 15, 2006, 09:27:41 PM

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i came across a circuit in a book.  i messed with it and added a few things.  it turned out pretty neat and weird.  more info is at the link, including explanation, description, and mods.  i have only breadboarded it, so the layout isn't fully verified yet.  tell me what you guys think, and please let me know if you see any errors.  thanks!


sort of OT, but do you guys know how i should post the schematic from the book legally?  would it be legal if i just redrew it, or can i just post it with adequate sources?  thanks again!
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 That looks cool as hell- both simple and weird! So, what exactly does it do? Kay type tremolo, or APC insanity, or distortion?
I am not responsible for your imagination.


Quote from: Meanderthal on November 15, 2006, 09:36:45 PM
That looks cool as hell- both simple and weird! So, what exactly does it do? Kay type tremolo, or APC insanity, or distortion?
all of those.  seriously.

it's definitely one of those for the people that like noise maker pedals.  like i said, it likes to self oscillate.  it tracks the guitar pretty well though.  i like this box a lot, and i'm not just saying that.
my band.                    my DIY page.                    my solo music.


 So, when it oscillates it actually tracks? Wow! Ok, now I'm going to HAVE to build this thing! It'd be REALLY cool if it could track a bass!
I am not responsible for your imagination.

John Lyons

I would just redraw the schematic and give credit.
Any way to post a soundclip? Love to hear it!


Basic Audio Pedals

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Don't get excited, it will only accurately track a stable single note, & even then only over a limited amplitude range, if I interpret it correctly.
No reason you won't have fun, though!


i'll just redraw the schematic and give credit.  i'll get on the samples asap...
my band.                    my DIY page.                    my solo music.


built it
it's cool!,

reminds me of a push button phone bleeps,,
I've put mine after a fuzz
thanks  for a nice build




here's the file:

i started with the pot all the way down, and just moved it up every once in a while throughout the clip.  then, the end is just a bunch of turning the pot.
here are my personal favorite chunks:
1:35-2:08(8bit goodness)
2:09-2:43(cool distortion)
3:15-3:43(knobbin it up)

i also drew a schematic w/ the mods i made:

my band.                    my DIY page.                    my solo music.


sorry about the file being down...

geocities bandwidth goes fast.  it's being sorted out with a different host.  i'll post again when it's going.
my band.                    my DIY page.                    my solo music.


my band.                    my DIY page.                    my solo music.


 It's a completely insane tremolo! I like it! I'm gonna hafta get on this puppy soon... real soon.
I am not responsible for your imagination.


Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Makes me wonder why they chose 666 as the mark of the beast instead of 555!
Could be a nice percussion modifier too.....

John Lyons

Alright all you circuit heads. Is there any way to null that click on the pulse of the oscillation?
Sometimes it works but sometimes it very annoying.
Maybe a cap  to slow down the leading edge of the transient...?
Seems to be a few nice sounds here, Just need a tweak or two.


Basic Audio Pedals


It seems like I've seen somebody put a 0.001u cap from the effect output to ground to kill the clicking in a circuit like this.

John Lyons

Putting a cap to ground will cut some high frequencies of the whole circuit  but I was thinking of getting into the function of the timer rise and fall mechanics and "cure" the tick at the source. The overall sounds are nice, it's just that the tick rides on top of the fundamental sound. So if we can lesten the tick the frequency responce of the effect will be intact. A tone control such as mark Hammers "stupidly wonderful tone control" would be nice to really crank down on the high end for some setting though. I at times like a deep high cut tone control for bass or to  mellow out sounds.

Basic Audio Pedals



Is the terminal marked "-9v" supposed to be at ground or is this a bipolar circut?
I've never used a 555 like that before.
Also,my newbness is somewhat mystified by what is going on here. I would dearly love for some wizard to explain it to me.


sorry, that's supposed to mean "ground".  i might change it to "0V" or something like that to avoid confusion.  i meant for it to symbolize the negative of the battery connecting to the rest of the ground points.  it's all the same.  just ground.
my band.                    my DIY page.                    my solo music.


No prob. I usually assume that I know nothing and I was hoping that I was gonna learn some magik mojo.
Does this thing have a bipolar output? I mean a positive to negative swing on the square wave?
I bet that there is a cap in the schem for that come to think of it...