ROG May Queen: successful gain control?

Started by Bucksears, May 22, 2007, 12:18:52 PM

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I built the May Queen quite some time ago, and even though it doesn't get a lot of playing time, it has a bit of a niche sound that's fun every now and again.
I wish I could vary the gain a little more with a pot; I tried replacing the 2.2k resistor with a 1k pot and a 1k resistor, but that doesn't do a whole lot. A 2k pot replacing the resistor altogether led to that gated/misbiased sound when the gain control was varied.
I'm thinking about trying a pot in series with the 2.2uF el. cap (pos. side).

Has anyone successfully wired up a gain control for the May Queen?

- Buck


You could put a pot between the 2n3904 and the FET. Left side goes to ground, middle to the fet, and right side to the 2n3904.