Anyone have a Boss PH-3 phase shifter who can help me out?

Started by ParkAvenger, June 02, 2007, 07:45:48 PM

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I recently stopped by Guitar Center to see if they have any of those no-screw straplock things (they didn't, damn them) and I happened upon a used Boss PH-3 Phase Shifter - $30! I couldn't pass up this fantastic price, although the unit is a bit warped and more than a little beaten up. I brought it home, plugged up to try it out. No luck. The Check light comes on (red) and bypassing the unit works fine, but it won't do any phase shifting no matter what.

I thought the switch might be the problem. So I opened it up to take a look, and noticed that there appears to be something missing from the board. Here's a photo:

If anyone has one of these and can verify if this is indeed a problem, I would greatly appreciate it.


EDIT: By the way, I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section. Mods, please move it to the appropriate area if this is the case. Thanks.

"I never set out to be weird. It was always the other people who called
me weird." - Frank Zappa

George Giblet

That part, L2, is an inductor.  It looks damaged.  L2 is part of a switch mode DC/DC converter.  When the DC/DC converter is working there should be about 3.3V across C51, which is above L2.

It should look like the other inductor L1, it's to the left on your photo marked 4R7. 

L2 is 150uH and has a different value to L1, I guess the marking will be 151.

For a replacement you need to get the physical size correct, the inductance value correct 150uH.  You also need to use an inductor with roughly the same DC resistance (or lower) and same current rating (usually or higher but I think you could go a little lower on this circuit because the inductor current won' t be that high.

The actual part is made by TDK:    SLF7032T-151MR37-2PF

See data sheet for details:

Try digikey and mouse (I haven't checked)


Wow, thanks a lot for the prompt and helpful reply!

That part is available on Mouser and Digikey, but only in bulk - 1000 minimum! Doesn't appear to be an option, but I'm searching for similar ones. Does it matter if they're magnetically shielded? Also, how likely is it that the one I order is even going to be the right size/shape for this purpose? I'm stuck on the Product Category box on Mouser...

I really appreciate your help! This is a great community.  :)
"I never set out to be weird. It was always the other people who called
me weird." - Frank Zappa


Sorry if this seems obvious but have you tried ordering the part from Roland. I have ordered and received pots for Boss pedals through my local music store. Maybe they'll ship components too.

George Giblet

> Does it matter if they're magnetically shielded?
Yes.  Sometime you can get away with non shielded but it's a gamble because you can get noise problems.

I'd go with Rick's suggestion.

The minimum order issue with SMD parts is real pain (for small manufactures and individuals).


Alright, thanks you guys! I'll go with Rick's suggestion then. I'll let you know how it goes.
"I never set out to be weird. It was always the other people who called
me weird." - Frank Zappa

R O Tiree

You might even be able to blag one for free from TDK if you give them enough of a sob story... fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand way...