Maestro FSH-1 with only S&H?

Started by calculating_infinity, June 13, 2007, 07:40:24 AM

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Hey was wondering if anyone came across or have worked with getting their FSH-1 to only have sample and hold.  I would like to reduce the pcb size for this S&H but I don't know if it would be worth it.  :-\  Hopefully someone can guide me in the right direction.  Maybe a good sounding standalone Sample and Hold?  Thanks.


I doubt if trying to eliminate the auto wah portion of the circuit would reduce parts count much.  The S & H part of the circuit still needs the frequency portion of the circuit to work.  The random bounce of the sample and hold is sequencing the frequency using the range of the wah portion of the circuit.  Sample and holds need to have something to random sequence with.  Some synth websites have stand alone sample and hold circuits but they still need to be combined with some kind of filter to work.
I'll admit I'm not an expert on this effect by any means so if someone can explain it better please chime in.  Maybe I'll learn something too. :)

Dan N

If you look at the schematic you can see the switch to choose between Filter or S&H. Flip the switch to S&H, and erase all the junk left hanging on the Filter side of the switch.

oldrocker is right, not exactly a parts purge...


I didn't think it that I could remove many parts.   :-\  I thought I would throw it up there though.  S&H is definately one of my next builds.  Thanks for the help Dan and Randy.  :icon_biggrin:  Moosapotamus's build looks great, I may give his a try.


I know this is a really old post, but if someone is still interested I'm squeezing a S/H in a B box (only one B,  ;D)
I wanted to test it before posting the layout... which is based on the one at Tonepad. So maybe I should ask Francisco the permission to post it anyway...

well, if someone is interested, let me know  ;)
Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible.


Sure! Post ahead, if it's cool with Fransisco.



mh... this post was already on its way to page 3.... anyway, here they are:

I was kind of lazy, so the layout really sucks, it is supposed to be read keeping an eye on tonepad's layout. red segments are links, orange: caps, green:res, blue:diode. resolution is 300dpi
it fits in a B box, both jacks on the same side (the 13600 side).  DC jack on the opposite side (the board is empty between the 1044 and TL072).

the tightest zone is where the 13600 is. there are a 2Mpot, a cliff jack and the PCB very close to each other there... jacks just fit between the end of pcb and the edge of the box. on the MAX1044 side I used 4x 470uF caps of the smd kind, so I have no height problems...

the stomp switch is in the middle, close to it on the board there is the LED current limiting resistor.

please Francisco let me know if it is fine for you that I messed up your work this way.

I'm building it, but I have no access to the MAX1044 and 13600 untill my next online order, so I won't be able to test it for a while. if you notice any mistake, please let me know!

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible.