dod 280a compressor

Started by Albot, January 18, 2008, 05:36:01 AM

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I posted the thread wich yielded no answers so im gonna ask another question instead.

Do anyone have voltage messuraments of the transistors they want to share with me?
What's the max/min resistance in the LDR under operation?

Thats pretty much it. gotta debug this sucker.


Did some messurements.
both transistors have about 7,2 v on the collector and 0 on both base and emitter
With the audio probe i got some clean signal from the base on both transistors

checked the pinout on opamp and transistors. duh. I'll keep trying
the led voltage goes up to about 1.7v when playing hard then it does down about 0.1v oer second untill it rests at 0.1v it takes over 10 minutes for it to go down though
LDR resistance is aroun 700kohm when idke and goes down to 9 kohm when playing hard.
maybe i should put some more light in there?