APR9600 recorder chip

Started by juancra, February 14, 2008, 06:55:53 PM

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Hey everyone!

Check this new IC from Aplus. Seeing that ISD product line has been discontinued, I think that this could replace it very well in sampling applications such as mobius trip looper or the mighty Payback from Tone god's Domain.

Here is the datasheet.


Hope that it serves!


Wow, looping and overdubbing too. Restricted frequency response though. No bit depth described.


One thing i found interesting while reading the datasheet is that the chip recording length can be shortened or extended between 32 and 60 seconds only with the change of one resistor. This could add some flexibility when choosing between length or sound quality.


I'm missing where it says you can overdub...



If this IC also supports the vibrato mod that ISD chips had, it could be interesting to have one working with it and other just looping a dry signal

The Tone God

The ISD series is NOT discontinued. Just some of the families like the 1400 and 2500 have been EOL'd. The 1600B is in production but alittle hard to get right now. This company seems to be trying to get a piece of what Winbond has left behind but they only seem to sell direct out of the UK which makes them kinda hard to get.

Still they seem to have some interesting possibilities but it is hard to say how well they work until someone gets a chance to play with one.



Following a in deep investigation of the possibilites of this "new" APR9600 chip (ie, I took the datasheets with me to my holidays on the beach) I can say that is mostly a copy of the ISD2560, with some improvements as "more pushbuttonable control logic and sample apllication built in (if a message pin is continously pulled down the message contained is looped without any other input. The chip inserts a 1,200 Ms silence between loops, I don't know if it is too much silence or not. ).IT has 2 operational modes, one set to divide chip memory into fixed sized messages and the other set to record and playback sequencial messages of different sizes. All configuration needed for chip operation is made only through a 4 level DIP switch.
I personally think that this chip could simplify the layout of circuit like the famous and great Payback, but it doesn't add new capabilities. I can consider myself lucky that the manufacturer (www.aplusinc.com.tw) has an agent in Argentina, so I will come with news when I start to play with it.

Thank you all for reading and excuse me for my bad english.
Sebastian, Buenos Aires.