small clone - bass guitar mods á la CE-2B

Started by lowstar, June 14, 2008, 02:46:03 PM

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hi everybody,

since i´m putting together a second pedalboard for my other band, i rediscovered my small clone chorus (tonepad project). (here is the link: )
i´d like to implement the same mods as in the ce-2b, namely the fx-level mod and the wet bass switch.

for the fx-level mod, where the 20K and 22K join together with the effected and dry signal, adding an 250K rev log pot before the 20K resistor (fx signal side) should do the trick, right ?

for the wet bass switch mod, the cap before the joining of those two resistors is the the small clone, it is 1µF. in the ce-2, it is 3n3, and the wet bass mod is done by using 1n2 and switching 2n2 in parallel. why are the differences here so big between the small clone and the ce-2 (i mean the differences in the value of this cap in the original schematic) ?
i´d guess i´d put something like 3n3 or less on the board (for bass side of the switch) and switching in the 1µF in parallel for stock version.

any thoughts ? did i overlook something ?

effects built counter: stopped counting at 100


"fx-level" mod:
Inserting more resistance in the "wet" part will decrease the "wet" signal part in the wet/dry mix. So that'll work...

"wet bass switch" mod:
The 1uF is quite large and probably passes all lower bass frequencies. I think the 1uF "sees" 20k + 22k // 10k = 20k + 6.8k = 26.8k ohm => 6Hz cutoff frequency.
An effective "less bass" capacitor value is 33nF which results into a 180Hz cutoff frequency.


thanks for your answer, flo.

which formula is used to calculate that high pass ?

in the boss ce-2, the cap value is 33n and it sees 47K+47K. in the ce-2b (bass), the cap is 12n and it also sees 47K+47K. what frequency does that yield ?

btw, i gave the wrong values for the boss chorus in my first post, they are 33n and 12n (not 3n3 and 1n2).

effects built counter: stopped counting at 100