Where to find a PCB for Nyquist Aliaser with Envelope Follower

Started by gigimarga, November 21, 2008, 01:33:54 PM

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I've just discovered the JC Maillet's Nyquist Aliaser and it sounded good to me.
On the moosapotamus site i've founded this schematic: http://www.moosapotamus.net/IDEAS/nyquist/NyquistENV2.gif
After i've listened to the soundclips, I liked it very much.
After searching the forum i found that's possible to use a LFO with the Nyquist.

So, where i can find PCB for:

1. original Nyquist Aliaser
2. moosapotamus's modded Nyquist with Envelope Follower
3. Nyquist with LFO

It's possible to combinate the EF and the LFO and  switch between them?

Thx a lot all!


If you're OK with making your own PCBs, I can whip up a layout for you later today. 

Edit: I'm not sure how to add the LFO to it, but I can add it later if you tell me how.


Part locations

There is a jumper between the two square pads

I forgot to label the I/O, from left to right they are: CV in (Below 2M resistor), IN (Above 1M resistor), GND (Above the bottom 5532), OUT (Next to the 50K Pot), and +9V (Farthest to the right side).


It's at 600dpi, so I didn't want to post it here directly.

I haven't tested it yet, so there's a possibility it may not work.

If you have EagleCAD
Board: http://matthew.kloiber.googlepages.com/draft1.brd
Schematic: http://matthew.kloiber.googlepages.com/draft1.sch

If you can't read something or just have a question (this is my first time "publishing" a layout), feel free to PM me.


Thx a lot ballooneater!!!
You are very nice!
I will install Eagle tonight anyway...thx a lot again!


Hey there.

On the PCB layout (and on the schematic) I see that there are two resistors labelled 121, and one labelled 100. Are these 121 and 100 ohms or k?

Also, there is a capacitor beside the 50k volume pot. I can't make it out. Is it .001uF, As in 1nF?

And that 50k volume pot's orientation is unclear. I think I see a 1 at the bottom and 3 at the top... is that right?

For CV in should I use a mono jack and ground it?

I'll be wiring a 3pdt switch. Would this configuation work? - http://diystompboxes.com/beginner/circswleddc2.jpg

I hope you can help cos I'd really love to build this circuit.

Thanks in advance.