New Design of Dr Boogey. Noiseless and Effective Tonestack.

Started by ubaid88, November 08, 2009, 03:56:15 AM

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Hi all.
What i have done to Dr Boogey is that i have replaced regular fet gain stages with SRPP. Which is not only self basing but also noiseless and more high gain.
Also I and most of the users on this forum experienced that tonestack of Dr Boogey is useless. So i decided remove that passive marshall/fender/mesa tonestack and replace that with an active one. A good one is ROG's Tone Mender.
Here with new mesa without Tonestack.

(It is copy of gaussmarkov/Electric labs schematic. But this is new version with SRPP)

I need your comments, suggestions and advice for this.


Could you show the part values ?

Sounds very interesting. I did the Dr Boogey and replace the complete tonesatck with a few filters.



of tonemender?

Output from mesa will be its input. This will give you complete preamp.

(from runoffgroove)



You have weird / bad connections in your schematic: Q3, C8 --> R10, R11


Thanks you :) I corrected it : :icon_exclaim:


if youre using the tone mender, you don´t need the last fet buffer..the tone mender has its own buffer
Tubes are overrated!!


Quoteif youre using the tone mender, you don´t need the last fet buffer..the tone mender has its own buffer
Thanks daniel. 8)

Anymore error or suggestion please!!!


Would anyone be so kind to make a perfboard version?
I would like to build one, but I'm a complete newbie. I'll start a topic about my build.



Quote from: jerrepain on November 08, 2009, 11:25:00 AM
Would anyone be so kind to make a perfboard version?
I would like to build one, but I'm a complete newbie. I'll start a topic about my build.


Then you have to wait. because this is not tested yet. If you still want a Dr boogey you can make gaussmarkov's version.


Schematic Revised.


just curious, but why did you remove the source follower (last fet)? It's not a part of tone stack and if it's anything like the real tube circuit, a follower will have a great impact on the tone. Another bonus is lower output impedance. I'd leave it in.
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i suggested to eliminate the source follower since the tonemender already has one..
Tubes are overrated!!

John Lyons

Interested to hear how it works. The DB has a little too much gain anyway.
With the added gain of the SRPP I wonder if it will be even more prone to oscillate?

Basic Audio Pedals



I am thinking of adding a switch to simulate orange and red channel. Orange will use 3stages and Red will use 4 stages like a hell :icon_evil:.


yes, i think 4 srpp on cascade is playing with disaster on gain. an input attenuator and regulating the gain between stages may be a solution for that..
bsiab has 2 muamps and its quite high gain..imagine´s like 2 bsiab on series.. i don´t get this pushing and pushing to improve dr boogie, it sounds pretty good as it is..some people don´t get that fets are fets, and tubes are tubes, and doesn´t matter how much you tweak, you´ll NEVER make it sound exactly like a dual rectifier.. there are so many other different, easier, and efficient ways to design and build  great distortion pedals that don´t need gazzillions fets and eternal tweaking..cmos, opamps, diodes, etc. If you know what youré doing, you can get a better sounding distortion with half of the parts..
Tubes are overrated!!


Quote from: dschwartz on November 08, 2009, 07:05:53 PM
i suggested to eliminate the source follower since the tonemender already has one..

it's not only about buffer, it's probably contributing to overdrive. Tonemender has IC buffer which wont clip the same way.
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Quote from: bancika on November 09, 2009, 04:58:01 AM
Quote from: dschwartz on November 08, 2009, 07:05:53 PM
i suggested to eliminate the source follower since the tonemender already has one..

it's not only about buffer, it's probably contributing to overdrive. Tonemender has IC buffer which wont clip the same way.
I will try both.
Anyway thanks for suggestion.
This is design not final. So I only want improvements and suggestions of expert. Any thing else you may wan to point you will be more than welcome.


If you feel the original Dr Boogey tonestack is "useless" (you may have to expand on that description to give a clearer idea of what you don't like about it) then I'm not sure that you'll like it running into a Tonemender either. Perhaps what you don't like is having an amp-style tonestack running into an amp with another tonestack of its own, given the mid-scoop that occurs will be happening twice. The Tonemender just has a recovery gain stage at the output - the treble/middle/bass topology is essentially the same as what's already in the Boogey.

Something like Mark Hammer's Stupidly Wonderful Tone Control might be all you need.
Bringing you yesterday's technology tomorrow.


That's a good point. I don't like BMT tone stack too much on my boogey either because it's not flexible enough...but I don't see how I can be much happier with Tonemender either because it's similar. Maybe a graphic EQ is what you need..I ordered mxr 6 band eq recently, can't wait to try it.
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