Boutique Bender Layout (soul bender) for anyone that wants it

Started by ode2no1, December 13, 2009, 02:32:55 PM

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Slacker did this up for me a few months ago without the parts values listed so i went ahead and put it all together for anyone who wants it. the original layout worked but the volume knob was wired backwards, as was the tone control (which is supposed to be opposite of most tone controls). anyway it sounds great. i'm thinking of putting together an npn germanium version of this thing sometime soon.


Thanks for posting the layout Daniel, I've just used it to build one of these. I have a couple of corrections, hope you don't mind me posting them here. R3 should be 220K and R16 should be 47K.

Is there any chance you or someone else could please post their Q3 E, B and C voltages? I'm getting very low voltage on Q3's Collector (ranges from 0.15 to 0.9, depending on R15 trimpot setting), but the pedal sounds OK. I would have expected higher voltages on Q3's collector is all, so I'm not sure if I've got the thing working as well as it should be. BTW, I have 3.6V on the Q1/Q2 collectors.