wah pedal mods/pot questions

Started by KH602, March 23, 2010, 03:22:39 PM

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hi there, i am just modifying my wah pedal at the moment and i want to know how to wire each potentiometer for the following mods

the vocal/Q mod 33k resistor - 100k pot

Gain mod 68k - 100k pot

mid boost mod 1.5k - 4.7k pot

can someone help me with the wiring diagram of each pot for the mods or

is each pot wired the same for all mods?


The wiring is the same, connect the wiper to one side of where the resistor goes, and an outside lug to the other end of where the resistor goes. Just a variable resistor, it's not wired up like your typical volume control. Put a 10k or 15k resistor in series with the vocal pot.

N.S.B.A. ~ Coming soon


cheers, why a 10/15k in series?

i have seen on the crybaby 535q schematic the vocal/Q mod is in series with the inductor using a 1K trimpot and the 33k is still in parallel

whats the reason for this? and why not replace the 33k in parallel with the inductor


If you put zero resistance the volume cuts out, 10k allows you to play with the whole sweep but still put some difference. personally I prefer a lower resistance, more of a woh than wah, much better for non-solo stuff, so much smoother imho. You do remove the 33k, that's where the pot (wired as a variable resistor)

I'm not familiar with the 535q in particular. So I cannot comment on them.

N.S.B.A. ~ Coming soon


here is the schematic for the crybaby 535q just to see what i am on about


That's to "fine tune" the inductor, I've only placed a pot in the position of the 33k in parallel.

N.S.B.A. ~ Coming soon


Orite ok. just trying to work out all the add ons to the schematic from the orginal crybaby.

how does the boost switch work? isnt that just sending the output through dual op-amp boosting the volume and gain?


The boost makes the effect have almost no losses, low enough to the point where no appreciable volume loss will occur. When it's not boosted, the effect has 1/20 of the resistance from the same point to ground, as you change that resistance the volume will change as well, useful for setting the unit to unity gain.

N.S.B.A. ~ Coming soon


just finished building my wah with mods...problem is when i put my circuit board in the wah pedal it buzz and doesnt work unless moved..

am guessing its something to do the solder touching the metal pedal....does this need insulating?

if so what with?



Does anyone have the schematic for the older 18 volt version that has the "Q" and boost trim pots underneath the pedal and the range selector knob on the side? It has a 20db boost versus 9 volt/16db boost in the newer versions. I emailed tech support at Dunlop, they said they don't give out schematics. So I've been looking on the web for it. So far I've only come across the one for the 9 volt version (Rev. 3).  I'd be happy with one someone has made up on their own after studying their pedal. 




WILL.Here's the 535Q (OLD VERSION) Schematic that i found on a japan site.If anyone still need it.

The biggest problem of the 535Q(OLD VERSION) is that it run on 18V supply,so that it can have a split voltage +9,0,-9 to power the TL061 IC.
Thats why they come out a newer refine version of it.
I have my 535Q(old version) pcb board damage,due to battery leakage.So i'm thinking of rebuild the wah to
the newer version.
Anyone out there could kindly post a few pic of the newer version board?



Thanks Adamn, that helps a great deal!  ;D