EHX Rarities - Gut Shots Wanted

Started by Scruffie, October 31, 2010, 05:01:49 PM

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Hey all, if any of you have one of these pedals and can provide gut shots, it'd be very much appreciated and help me to verify some of the older schematics/ draw up PCB layouts for them.

(Original 70s & 80s Versions Only, Not after the modern Tube Versions XO etc. that are still in production)

EHX Full Double Tracking Effect
EHX Silencer
EHX Zipper
EHX Pulsar
EHX Black Finger Sustainer/ Compressor
EHX Y-Triggered Filter
EHX Space Drum
EHX Rolling Thunder
EHX Panic Button
EHX Sonic Boomer
EHX Random Tone Generator
EHX Deluxe Octave Multiplexer



Found shots of the Panic Button  :)

Forgot to mention Factory Schematics of any of these would be appreciated too (Or any traced schematics from a actual unit of anything in the first list) -
EHX Space Drum
EHX Rolling Thunder
EHX Panic Button
EHX Sonic Boomer
EHX Random Tone Generator


Quote from: Scruffie on November 01, 2010, 10:32:32 AM
Forgot to mention Factory Schematics of any of these would be appreciated too (Or any traced schematics from a actual unit of anything in the first list) -
EHX Sonic Boomer



Quote from: 3080 on November 01, 2010, 11:02:00 AM
Quote from: Scruffie on November 01, 2010, 10:32:32 AM
Forgot to mention Factory Schematics of any of these would be appreciated too (Or any traced schematics from a actual unit of anything in the first list) -
EHX Sonic Boomer

Cheers  :) I had already seen that one, I forgot to mention i didn't need the schematic, but thanks for looking! I'm just after gut shots of that unit so I can check the PCB.

I have the schematic for the Space Drum now aswell, gut shots of it and the Super Version are still wanted though.

The Clap Track & Crash Pad Schematics and Gutshots would also be of interest.


I've always been curious about the pulse modulator and stereo pulse modulator.
My project site
Winner of Mar 2009 FX-X


Schematic of the Crash Pad now aquired and Re-Drawn Thanks to Stephen Giles  :)... Gut Shots are still wanted though.


There are some shots of a Deluxe Octave Multiplexer in my gallery.  It's also up for sale, mehehe, mmm.  It is quite the complex circuit.

Mark Hammer


 :icon_lol:@ the amp he named "slave 200" that guy is funny.


Quote from: Processaurus on November 15, 2010, 10:12:29 AM
There are some shots of a Deluxe Octave Multiplexer in my gallery.  It's also up for sale, mehehe, mmm.  It is quite the complex circuit.
I only see the schematic... where am I missing it?

Don't suppose you have any clips or opinions on the pedal itself do you? If I do make it a project it'd be nice to know it was worthwhile.

Quote from: Mark Hammer on November 15, 2010, 10:13:56 AM
Here's a "checklist" to work your way through.

Cheers Mark, didn't know the Super Space Drum was used by The Clash! I'll get on re-drawing that one tonight.

Analogguru has informed me that the Crash Pad schematic i've redrawn is wrong... so still looking for gut shots or perhaps an alternative schematic to verify that one.


Ah, not in the gallery, they were hiding somewhere else...  It's an interesting pedal, I like the tone knob and deep/sub switch very much, however it might not be a very rewarding cloning project.  It is very complicated, and uses some hard to find parts, bi-polar power, etc.

some more innards:


Quote from: Processaurus on November 15, 2010, 01:22:47 PM
Ah, not in the gallery, they were hiding somewhere else...  It's an interesting pedal, I like the tone knob and deep/sub switch very much, however it might not be a very rewarding cloning project.  It is very complicated, and uses some hard to find parts, bi-polar power, etc.
Aha, Cheers for those, i'll re-draw the schematic and then go over them.

Well... my plan was regards the cloning, re-draw the schematic, verify it (if any kind soul wants to leand me/ sell me some CA3094s that'd make work easier) then hopefully convert it to CA3080s rather than those 3094s and then hopefully use a Charge Pump to take care of the Bi-Polar power supply and then if we put it all on one PCB, the build should hopefully be alot easier to put together and with easily available parts...

Also, ignore my comments about the Crash Pad schematic being wrong, i'd just re-drawn it badly, i'll re-upload the corrected one later, but gut shots would still be nice.


Quote from: Processaurus on November 15, 2010, 01:22:47 PM

EHX: "The components must all be in a straight line, with no spaces. If there are any spaces, fill it with a jumper."

My project site
Winner of Mar 2009 FX-X


Now also looking for Gutshots of the EHX Attack Decay!  :icon_biggrin:

Paul Marossy

Quote from: nelson on November 15, 2010, 07:01:15 PM
Quote from: Processaurus on November 15, 2010, 01:22:47 PM

EHX: "The components must all be in a straight line, with no spaces. If there are any spaces, fill it with a jumper."

I guess they wanted all their ducks, uh, components in a row.  :icon_mrgreen: