OCD Clone Debug Help

Started by kamis5050, February 26, 2011, 04:20:12 PM

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First of all, hey to everyone! I'm new to this forum!

Straight to the point. I built myself OCD clone using this:

And this for pots' wiring(dont mind that SHO part):

Also this for the 3PDT/Jacks/LED/DC:

When I connect it to my amp + guitar I do get the sound and when I engage the pedal(led is working properly) - I still get the same sound, like there would be no pedal. No effect, no gain etc. Turning pots does nothing.

I checked if the board is getting power and it is but I get a readings of ~7,8,9v on most of the components/joints and I don't think that's how it's supposed to be? Also, I get reading from Drive Pot but other two show nothing.

I wired it up as follows:


2+3 jumped

lug 1 connected to Drive 3 on circuit board

lug 3 connected to  Drive 2

no connection coming off lug 2.


2+3 jumped

lug 1 connected to ground on CB

lug 2 to nothing

lug 3 to Tone 2&3


Lug 1 to lug 1 of Tone pot for ground

Lug 2 to Input on 3pdt

Lug 3 to Input on CB

LP/HP Switch

Wired as suggested.

Solder joints look ok, got all the jumpers and track cuts.

I'm no professional, just an amateur so please help me if you know what could be wrong with it. 

Any help appreciated.



So I somehow got pedal to actually do something. When I engage it, the Drive knob works but there's that really annoying noise, it's like some kind of a siren? The volume + tone knob also do this noise when I turn them but nothing besides that, they don't change anything. LP/HP Switch seems to be working.

I rewired the whole thing again but at the end I got exactly the same result. Could it be circuit board's fault itself?


Wiring diagram I was following was wrong, I have now sussed it out. Please close.