What common parts should I get?

Started by guitarrob, January 24, 2012, 10:46:04 PM

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Hey guys, I want to get into prototyping and building common project stomp boxes and work on some new designs.
I need some suggestions of a parts lists of commonly needed parts so I don't have to stop and order more parts every time I want to try a new design.  I understand that some designs have specialized components but there must be many common components such as resistors, capacitors, transistors, opamps.

Can you guys offer me some suggestions of components to pickup so I can have a parts stash so I don;t need to run to the parts dealer every 5 minutes.

Thankx for your help.


I was wondering the same thing too, so any help would be appreciated.

I was looking around for kits that contain various values for parts.  I found this one on ebay http://www.ebay.com/itm/RK2-1-4W-1-Metal-Film-Resistor-Kit-140-Values-Total-1400Pcs-/220913754461?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item336f7c615d.  It has just about every value of resistor you could ever want....but some values seem to get a lot more use than others in the schematics I've seen.  So you'd probably end up using the more popular ones really fast and then have a bunch left over that you'll never use.  Anyone out there have any suggestions of something similar that would be catered more towards stomp boxes?  I've also looked for packs of capacitors and found absolutely nothing in the typical ranges we need.  Any tips would be appreciated.


When I order parts for a project I usually order more that the project calls for, particularly for resistors and caps.  So I have built a nice little collection of parts.  But unless I am building the absolute simplest of projects, I always seem to have to order something.  You would think that at some point you would have everything you need for some high percentage of projects, but it just doesn't seem possible.  There's always something missing.  I usually deal with that by ordering the missing parts for 3 or 4 projects all at the same time to spread out the cost of shipping.  Just my 2 cents.
"Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people." — Admiral Hyman G. Rickover - 1900-1986

The Leftover PCB Page


I was looking for the same thing, so I looked around at projects and came to the conclusion that most things will require a specific IC or a specific type of transistor etc.
So I just decided to do what chi_boy said and order too many of each part when doing my first project. I accept that I will still need to make a new order for most projects, but I am already building up a nice little supply of spare resistors and caps!


Instead of thinking about one project, look at 4 or 5 projects you might be interested in.  You'll find some common component values then order many of those.  the giant resistor packs at Radio Shack are slightly overpriced, but have a very good selection of resistors.  It would take an hour to select all those values online, just to save $2.

Know that, generally, opamps are interchangeable as long as you double check the pinouts... so order a good quantaty of dual opamps... the TL072 is common.

Get a bunch of transistors.  They're a penny or maybe a dime per.  Look through 5 schematics, write down the transistors in each one and order them.  In fact, order several of every part in those schematics.

Most common pots are 100K, 10K, 500K, 1K, but you'll always wish you had 1K, 2K, 5K, 250K, 1M... And if you're not sure, just get audio/log taper.

Caps... get a pile of: 100uF, 10uF, 1uF, .1uF (100n), .01uF (10n), .001uF (1n), .0001uF (100pF), plus several of whatever values are in those schems you are thinking about.  for breadboarding it really doesnt matter if they're ceramic or mylar or electrolytic (and perhaps in a pedal it doesn't really matter either).

For breadboarding you don't need 3p3t footswitches, but you need half a dozen on hand, which will be your biggest $$ hit.  If you want to go overkill, get a pile of spdt rocker switches, dpdt footswitches too.

Get a pile of LEDs in your favorite color.

Get a pile of 1N4148 diodes.

I've found taydaelectronics.com a cheap, fairly stocked supplier.

Then be aware that just as soon as you have everything you need, your horizons will expand and then you will not have everything you need.  ;)



It depends on how much you want to build. If you plan on building a lot of projects, do what Seedlings said and find a number of projects you want to build first, then order their parts simultaneously, along with some extras so that you can get the price-break on Mouser on amounts greater than 10.

Some common part values for you - Adding onto what Seedlings Said:

Resistors - go for 1% metal film, KOA Spears on Mouser are cheap
100ohm, 220ohm, 470ohm, 1k, 2k2, 4k7, 6k8, 10k, 22k, 33k, 47k, 68k, 100ks, 220k, 470k, 680k, 1meg

Ceramic Caps -
10pf, 47pf, 100pf, 220pf, 470pf, 1000pf, 2200pf, 4700pf, 6800pf

Poly film Caps - go for 35v - 50v rating Panasonics ECQ series, as the box type don't have long leads on them
0.01uf, 0.022uf, 0.047uf, 0.068uf, 0.1uf, 0.22uf, 0.47uf, 1uf Film (non-electrolytic)

electroyltic caps - Radial lead 35v - 50v
1uf, 2.2uf, 4.7uf, 10uf, 22uf, 47uf, 100uf, 220uf.

Transistors -
2n3904, 2n3906, j201, 2n5457, 2n5458, BF245a, 2n5088, 2n5089,

Diodes -
1n914/1n4148, 1n4001

LM741, 4558, TL071, TL072

With those values, you should be able to make almost any value in between if necessary for experimenting/building.

Stuff like jacks, Switches, Pots, specialty ICs should probably be purchased when you need them for specific projects. But LM13700s and PT2399s are dirt cheap and fun as hell, so I'd at least get a few of those. :) Also, I buy DPDT switches in lots of 10 or more for like $3 a pop and do Millenium Bypass on my projects. I save probably close to $70 doing that. That's an option for your enclosures.


If you're looking more into experimenting with lots of different values cheaply, you can go the eBay route. I just bought these for myself, but I also run a small repair service and build a tremendous number of projects, so I'm constantly ordering lots of parts.

50v Polyester Caps  

Metal Film Resistors of commonly used varying values

Various Trimpots

Breadboard Jumpers


Quote from: guitarrob on January 24, 2012, 10:46:04 PM

Can you guys offer me some suggestions of components to pickup so I can have a parts stash so I don;t need to run to the parts dealer every 5 minutes.

Futurlec has some really inexpensive assortment packs.  Shipping time is about 3 weeks though.  

Futurlec ValuePacks