DIY Stompboxes => Building your own stompbox => Topic started by: petey twofinger on December 06, 2012, 07:33:55 PM

Title: Speaker level to line level question
Post by: petey twofinger on December 06, 2012, 07:33:55 PM
i am modding a saxxy synth toy to a guitar synth  . the saxxy has a headphone jack and a speaker , there is an lm386 amp chip that powers the speaker .

i built a resonant filter circuit ( wierd sound generator ) and the sound is distorted , i tried resistors but then it seems very muddy . the filter uses a 741 .

what should i do to get the cleanest signal , is there a way to convert the sound coming off the speaker / headphone jack ?

or should i try to boost the sound that comes off the lm386 input ?

would running it modded like this , taking the sound off the lm386 input and not running a speaker cause problems down the road perhaps ?

i am using a 4049 as a buffer and it has some extra stages left over as well , i think two cause i have the straight sound buffering there to go to  a mix pot .

thanks !
Title: Re: Speaker level to line level question
Post by: petey twofinger on December 18, 2012, 01:39:42 PM
got a radio shack audio transformer , 1000/8 , i think ...

it helped a lot , seems the output from the actual device , i dont know its really grainy / distorted to begin with .... frustrating .

but i had another much larger project present itself so i will have to return to this later .