I've built A Mad Professor Deep Blue Delay according to this schematic. Unlike the original It has an additional volume control and the level control is renamed as mix.
I would like to be able to reduce the overall effect level, not volume, because for me delay effect in this pedal is too pronounced in a band/live situation even when the MIX pot is all the way to the left. Could that be achieved by changing the pot value, or should other components be changed/added?
Looking at the vero, notice where MIX2 is located. You see a 1uF pot that connects to a 20k resistor. Increase the value of that resistor to 33k or 47k to reduce the effect level.
I'll try that, thank you!
Wait, say what? You have delay when the mix is at minimum? You should have NO delay at all unless your pot is wrong.
Deep Blue Layout (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-UH_RB4ogaO0/UThcFAzUi1I/AAAAAAAAFOc/Ht08lHU0Idw/s1600/Mad+Professor+Deep+Blue+Delay+with+mods+2.png)
Mix 1, reverb level, pot goes to ground. See note on the layout bottom left.
Hey, maybe I've missed that, thanx a lot!