Hey guys,
I'm using the layout below to make a Hummingbird, just wanted to know if i can sub the 1n4148 for a 1n400x, since i have a ton of those and no 1n4148. If so, which one? If not, I'll make a radioshack run i guess.
Thanks in advance!
It's used only as reverse voltage protection, and since both diodes have the same voltage drop you could use either with no effect on the sound.
Ok cool, Thanks! Used a 1n4004.
If you're can't find a 2N2646 transistor (Q3) (I coundn't find one) and are using 2N6027 instead check of the Skippy Tremolo scheme. It's not a straight swap.
Thanks Peter, but i found a 2n2646 from SmallBear.