Hello you all,
i breadboarded up the tim escobedo square wave shaper : (http://img.scoop.it/6cYLRbQcvc2ZrsUn57GFaTl72eJkfbmt4t8yenImKBVvK0kTmF0xjctABnaLJIm9)
I really love the sound on the low notes but on higher notes the sound gets really choppy and i have to pick really hard to get a little bit of sustain out of them. Any suggestion on how to modify the schematic to let higher notes ring well without losing the "synthy / brassy" sound?
Is it because the square wave get's to "tight" so it dies?
I would love some pointers in the right direction.
Try a boost in front of it. Boost the heck out of it and if it responds well, build one not the front end. The uglyface and the PWM also benefit from this on the high notes, and silently. This circuit might have an increAse in noise so there may be some point of compromise.
Thnx that sounds quite obvious didn't tried it though.
Will try it after the weekend, of course if i get a nice sustain i will post the schematic with the boost i used in front.