DIY Stompboxes => Building your own stompbox => Topic started by: Greek Acrobat on November 09, 2003, 07:49:09 AM

Title: Something for the weekend...
Post by: Greek Acrobat on November 09, 2003, 07:49:09 AM
I'm trying to build a rediculous pedal. I'm wanting to make a fuzz with the most amount of gain I can get from it. Basically something that will destroy all evidence of tone and definition - something purely evil.

What do you reckon the best and simplest way of doing this is? I've been mucking around with op amps recently so I'm thinking about stringing a whole bunch of them together (nothing pretty). Would that work? Any reason why this is a bad idea?

I just want something quick for a bit of fun and maybe scare some bandmembers while I'm at it.  :D
Title: Something for the weekend...
Post by: Marcos - Munky on November 09, 2003, 08:06:44 AM
A six stage CMOS 4049 fuzz. Check Ansil site.
Title: I would recommend the Uglyface..
Post by: petemoore on November 09, 2003, 08:13:05 AM
If you havent tried building one, mine can sound quite wickedly evil.
 The sonic mayhem in this buggar is like straight out of a science project [movie that hasn't been released yet] that began releasing gamma and electrons that would fry anyone within the proximity. Yes Quite nasty indeed [well can do 'other' trixx's' like sound 'sorta 'normal'/over the top fuzz]. Octave down [twice?] VCF 'ing' and mucho etc.
 Driving many oa's to boost up signal? I would try it on a breadboard first. Boost is cool up to a point [the point where the amps input sezz 'nuff already' and chokes. Boosting can shape the wave nicely [driving a tube amp].
 I'v e put two boostere in a row, and that gets a fuzzy sound.  But if I were building a seriesed of OA boosters, I would just make it possible to trim the third andor fourth one  with byapssers...never tried three myself but read that three LPB's can get pretty loud and distorted.
 I also read where OA distortion can be cool or not, some prefer the dist character of transistors [well just look at all the Q distorters schematics].
 Shaping the wave is what causes the distortion, and usually I'm using driven Q's or Diode clipping to get that, OA"s may sound pretty rude and unlikable [IMO] when driven to distort....of course it all depends [on what it depends big brother used to say].
Title: Something for the weekend...
Post by: Greek Acrobat on November 09, 2003, 08:18:11 AM
Ansil site??
Title: Something for the weekend...
Post by: Marcos - Munky on November 09, 2003, 10:13:48 AM
Hey Pete, sounds very cool. Sorry, I don't remember the address.
Title: Something for the weekend...
Post by: Greek Acrobat on November 09, 2003, 12:08:02 PM
Err, found this:


Would this distort more than the op amp itself? What diodes would I use?
Title: Circuit Snippets Page
Post by: petemoore on November 09, 2003, 02:05:13 PM
Has the Uglyface...if that's what Munky was asking...
Title: Something for the weekend...
Post by: Marcos - Munky on November 09, 2003, 05:44:49 PM
I have the schematic for the six stage CMOS 4049 fuzz here in my PC. If you want, send me a e-mail and I send it to you.
Title: Something for the weekend...
Post by: Kilby on November 10, 2003, 05:08:42 AM
Well the foxx tone machine (O have the danelectro french toast) can do a reasionable job on fizz and destroying all that unwanted guitar based done when all the knobs are turned to max.
Title: Something for the weekend...
Post by: ExpAnonColin on November 10, 2003, 07:51:04 AM
Quote from: Greek AcrobatErr, found this:


Would this distort more than the op amp itself? What diodes would I use?

That's a lot like one of my designs...  basically it amplifies your signal then destroys it with diodes, which can be driven by the amplified signal... however, I tend to like how it self oscillates and makes noise in this way:


Title: Something for the weekend...
Post by: Marcos - Munky on November 10, 2003, 08:08:31 AM
Hey Paul, check your e-mail.
Title: Something for the weekend...
Post by: Greek Acrobat on November 10, 2003, 10:57:53 AM
Thanks Marcos, I think that's two schematics you've sent me this week.

Cheers!  :D
Title: Something for the weekend...
Post by: Ansil on November 10, 2003, 12:04:03 PM
forgot about this one, so i remade the page for it.  i really need to get organized.   the original drawing is on the bottom.  i had lost this one, for a while.  it does some diode clipping as well , and the values aren't set in stone. i was goin to wire it up to a dip switch section sort of like the sansamp.
Title: Something for the weekend...
Post by: Ansil on November 10, 2003, 12:06:59 PM
hey collin,   i like the parrallel universe.  but i had a question..  wouldn't it be better to put a 1k pot between pins 1 and eight.   cause the 10k won't really do anything untill it is below 1.35k.  cause that is the value of resistance between the two pins.   also for a hotter sound you can take the output directly off of the no eight pin.