DIY Stompboxes => Building your own stompbox => Topic started by: mac on July 02, 2023, 11:07:53 PM

Title: Treble Booster by A. Russell, Practical Electronics, Page 71, April 1972.
Post by: mac on July 02, 2023, 11:07:53 PM
This is a circuit I have had in my hard drive for years but never tried or simulated.
It's based on a LT700 small output transformer. This site ( says specs are 550mH 63 ohm Primary, 2.25mH 0.63 ohm Secondary.

TB1 at the right is the original circuit. Basic guitar circuit added.
Simulation shows a "bell-like" response (TS808 ?) when the pot is at zero and a bass boost when maximized  :o
So I modified it a bit to make it more like a Rangemaster.

TB2 mods adds C2 and C4, and TB4 C2, C4 and the secondary.
Note that both mods can be transformed to the original with a double switch --> in TB2 SW1 bypasses C2 and SW2 breaks C4 path to ground.
At around 5k the curves "look like" a Rangemaster with a 8.2nF input cap, just a bit more Q-ish.

( (

The PDF is available at the other forum (,
or do a google search: practical electronics treble booster russell

Title: Re: Treble Booster by A. Russell, Practical Electronics, Page 71, April 1972.
Post by: PRR on July 03, 2023, 09:39:52 PM
12MB PDF file
I find the article on magazine page 320, PDF file page 58
Title: Re: Treble Booster by A. Russell, Practical Electronics, Page 71, April 1972.
Post by: mac on July 04, 2023, 09:24:01 AM
Thanks Paul. I got caught at the next article, the silicon controlled switch fuzz :icon_mrgreen:
