This seems to be an elusive item, to me anyway. Am I not looking in the right places? I'm looking for a few for some various things I want to build (SSL compressor is one). I'm looking for one small enough to fit on the panel of a single rack space.
Does anyone have a good source? I think I can get some 1 inch square ones from mouser for about $30.00 a pop, but I have to buy at least 10 to even get them.
My two questions for all:
1) anyone have a good source?
2) if not, anyone interested in buying in with me on the 10 count? If a few other people are interested in one or two, I'll see if I can get them.
Let me know.
A guy from the Tech Talk board used this one:
"0-1MA Modutec M-Series Edgewise
Mouser# 541-ME-DMA-001"
I checked it out, it's $16... I'm midway thru building this myself and was going to leave off the meter, but that's a bit cheaper at least.
I did a quick ebay search if you're interested:
and here's just a list of 'em:
There might be one of thos eebay meters is small enough, I'll keep an eye on ebay, thanks.
That meter is a miliamps scale, I'll really looking for something with the VU scale. The edgewise would be fantastic if I could find it.
would one of the LED meter driver chips from national work for you? or are you set on having an analog meter? I think its the LM3914/15/16 series. I've used them in the past and they're cheap, robust, and easily calibrated.
another good place to check is those old surplus electronics stores online. you can usually find some sweet antique looking ones that are sealed and built like a tank for a decent price.
Nice looking article about diy meters. Has anyone tried?
try here and hit "vu" in the searchwindow...very small one 35x15mm and 650ohm impedance...9 Euro...I dont know where you live, but I beleive they ship worldwide...