DIY Stompboxes => Building your own stompbox => Topic started by: campj0le on June 10, 2004, 10:22:07 AM

Title: Cable Question
Post by: campj0le on June 10, 2004, 10:22:07 AM
I am interested in the George L cable after the power supply is done and am at a loss for what size to choose. On the site there is .155 and .225. I know to get the Neutric plugs from the wonderful people here, small bear be waiting, whats the main difference or good and bad things about the cable or someones experiences? Also, what size diameter would be better?

Thanks in advance
Title: Cable Question
Post by: AL on June 10, 2004, 10:30:08 AM
I'm assuming you mean a power supply for a pedal board - correct? I just ordered some George L's from Musicians Friend - the kit came with 10 ft. of .155 cable, 10 right angle plugs, and 10 plug covers. I really like the cables so far. They are easy to assemble and seem sturdy so far (it's only been a few weeks). It's really nice not having to solder anything. The bigger cable is recommended by George L for guitar and the small cable for pedals. You can't use the big cable with the right angle plugs as it will cut into the wire and not tighten completely. Overall I've been impressed with them so far. Hope this helps.

Title: Cable Question
Post by: R.G. on June 10, 2004, 10:31:51 AM
The reason to use George L (other than the general quality of the cable) is the low capacitance of the cable per foot. Low cable capacitance per foot means that the cable itself will prevent some of the treble loss that ordinary shielded cable causes.

This will only help significantly for long cables - the one from the guitar to whatever is next, either an effect or an amp, and for the one from effects board to amp. Short cables from effect to effect - and those should all be short - don't have enough capacitance to make a big difference.

In general, the bigger diameter cable will have lower capacitance per foot.

So if you're after preventing treble loss, use the big one. If you just want quality cable, use either one.
Title: Cable Question
Post by: PB Wilson on June 10, 2004, 10:39:37 AM
I've used the small diameter George L's for the better part of a year between my pedals and like them very much for that application. I love the fact that I can customize the length to fit different pedals, but since I swap pedals in and out a lot, I usually just make them about 5" or 6" long. the right angle plugs are nice and compact too. It makes for a tidy pedalboard.

I did make up a longer cable using the extra length I had, but it was kinda twisty and I didn't trust the wimpy look. I must say that it has performed well and I've had no problems with it, but I did replace it with a Neutrik/ Belden cable I made up. That one seems pretty bulletproof to me.

Some people have reported problems with cables quitting on them, but I've been problem free with mine. Perhaps if the pedals weren't connected to a pedalboard and were constantly being moved around, they may be subjected to more wear and tear. I don't know, but I don't use a pedalboard and mine have held up very well. I think that care in cutting the cable and a drop of blue Locktite on the screw will lead to a sturdy and long-lasting cables.