DIY Stompboxes => Building your own stompbox => Topic started by: Chris Goodson on July 10, 2004, 01:27:54 PM

Title: Wah + fuzz combo sounds wimpy even with a buffer.
Post by: Chris Goodson on July 10, 2004, 01:27:54 PM
I recently rebuilt a wah for a buddy of mine to include wah and fuzz.  I includes these circuits all on one board(McCoy wah and Fuzzface from Fuzz Central and buffer from GGG).  I added a 100k trimpot to the output of the buffer because it was pushing the Ge transistors way too hard.  The wah and fuzz sound very nice individually.

The problem is that even though the buffer helps, the wah still doesn't sound like it's getting the full effect when running with the fuzz.  I noticed the same thing with my own wah(w/buffer) when using it with a Foxx clone.  Is there a way to improve the sound?
Title: Wah + fuzz combo sounds wimpy even with a buffer.
Post by: lightningfingers on July 10, 2004, 01:40:06 PM
Try buffers in series. My Easyvibe doesn't have tru bypass, just a SPST switch that shuts the bulb off, basically making it 4 buffers in series. It goes When switched off it almost cured the problem betwenn my idiot wah and my fuzzface.

It's worth a try....

Title: Wah + fuzz combo sounds wimpy even with a buffer.
Post by: puretube on July 10, 2004, 01:44:37 PM
some people like to reverse the FX`s order...

FuzzFace and most of its derivates love to "see" the PUs as their source...
Title: Wah + fuzz combo sounds wimpy even with a buffer.
Post by: Mistymountainhop on July 10, 2004, 04:17:56 PM
i thought that it was a different ohmage what comes out of the wah, or goes into the wah or something... thats why fuzz pedals sound weak infront of the wah, btu sound better, and thyere loud after... has this been compensated for? (im no expert, im just relaying what i heard)