DIY Stompboxes => Building your own stompbox => Topic started by: Cabezahead on March 02, 2005, 08:23:33 AM

Title: buffers and bypass and boxes, oh my! (advice needed)
Post by: Cabezahead on March 02, 2005, 08:23:33 AM
Ok... So - I am making a seven loop box to run my effects in (each one having it's own loop.)  I have some questions that I need reasonably answered before I put the finishing touches on it.  (i've already drilled it and installed MOST of the parts.)

The first, and most important question I have is - is there any special low-capacitance hookup wire?  Or does hookup wire not make that big a difference as long as it's used in small measure?

The second - I'm pretty sure I want to build a buffer or two because I use pretty long cables on the bigger stages I play. 'Specially the effect to amp cable (18 feet.)  I'll definitely have the buffers built in and switchable - but... Do I want one BEFORE the effects, one AFTER or both?

Also - has the IC/FET buffer debate come to a general consensus - or is everyone gonna give me a different answer?

As it stands, i'm going to build a tl071 and a Jfet buffer and see what I like more - but is one or the other better for the front or the back of the box?  'Cause I still really haven't wrapped my head around WHY pickups get loaded, etc. etc...

Any answers to any part of this thing are MUCH appreciated.  Thanks!

Title: buffers and bypass and boxes, oh my! (advice needed)
Post by: Cabezahead on March 02, 2005, 06:40:53 PM
At least point my the right way with the wire thing?  Is the military grade RG-174 the stuff for me???  Or is the regular old hookup wire ok?

Title: buffers and bypass and boxes, oh my! (advice needed)
Post by: TheBigMan on March 02, 2005, 06:52:09 PM
Capacitance is not a factor in wires as short as those in a looper box.  So long as it's decent wire and the right gauge it'll be fine.

Technically you only need one buffer in your chain, as everything after it is then a low impedance signal.  However if you have a particularly long chain from board to amp then another buffer may help there.

IC buffers are exactly unity gain.  However some people feel that they are not as warm sounding as FET based buffers.  FET buffers generally have gain slightly below unity though.

As to why pickups get loaded, get reading through the FAQs for the forum.  Impedance is not a particularly simple concept for most people to get their heads round.
Title: buffers and bypass and boxes, oh my! (advice needed)
Post by: Matteran on March 04, 2005, 05:59:42 AM
i was just going to post a simple question about hookup wire. So far my effects work, but i was wondering if there are specific gauges of wires that are suited for stompboxes? Are there shielded cables?

the hookup wire i have is solid copper. I noticed when wiring a 9v batter plug the wires consisted of many small wires twisted. Is this the type of wire i'm looking for? Or is my solid copper fine?
Title: buffers and bypass and boxes, oh my! (advice needed)
Post by: dpresley58 on March 04, 2005, 01:10:07 PM
Matteran, solid wire breaks easier when bent several times. If you don't plan to ever mess with it again, it's fine to use. The other you mentioned is called "stranded", and takes a lot of bending abuse. I'd hazard a guess that most of the folks around here use stranded. I buy it in something around a 20- to 24-guage, if I remember correctly.

There -is- shielded coaxial cable available, and I just started using it on the offboard components (pots, jacks, etc.). It's called RG-174, a mini-coax and can be had at All Electronics (// for not much money.
Title: buffers and bypass and boxes, oh my! (advice needed)
Post by: TheBigMan on March 04, 2005, 06:30:54 PM
24 gauge stranded is pretty much "standard" if there is such a thing.