Now almost everyone seems to be doing veroboard layouts, but they're scattered all across the forum. Maybe a sticky thread with links to layouts or threads with layouts would be a good idea. 8)
yes great idea i think, a sort of database with all vero layouts.
I'm up for that, I have another 5 coming soon ....
Marty. :D
Quote from: HevimiesNow almost everyone seems to be doing veroboard layouts, but they're scattered all across the forum. Maybe a sticky thread with links to layouts or threads with layouts would be a good idea. 8)
actually, Aron just set aside some space...i have the password and info, so once i get my layouts added/organized, i can add other peoples....should only be a few days.
dragonfly fx
You know what might be useful -- tags in the subject line...I always hate asking other people to do /more/ work when they're already doing a ton for everyone, but that is an easy way to make searches more quick. So, for example, if you post a new layout (of any type), put [LAYOUT] (or you could get more granular and have, like, [SCHEM] [VERO] [PERF] [PCB]) in the subject, and then when somebody searched on that string, they'd get a list of all the layouts on the forum. Things certainly aren't bad right now, but it is fun to browse through everything when you're just looking for a next project.
Cheers, all!!
I'm buying a few shares in Veroboard!!!! I have known since 1975 that one day it will catch on, and now 30 years later, it has.
me only likes`em in epoxy-quality...
the "hardboard" ones are too breakitous, when drilling mounting holes...
Maybe a dedicated forum? Since Torchy went through and deleted a bunch of stuff it is really confusing to find anything now.
I think I'm going to work on veroboarding some bassists favorites :)
QuoteI have known since 1975 that one day it will catch on, and now 30 years later, it has.
Funny, it reminds me of going to electronic school back in the 80's.
We had to do all kinds of small project on veroboard.
BLESS YOU YOUNG MAN! I was just lamenting to a friend the lack of bass many threads have started with "know any good bass projects?" and ended with "Brassmaster?...<EOT>"
I was even gonna suggest a bass-specific forum just to highlight the sad state...
but I'm guessing most guys here know how to take any given effect and tune it to work well for bass...but I don't, so anythink you can do would be awesome!!
Quote from: SirPoongaMaybe a dedicated forum? Since Torchy went through and deleted a bunch of stuff it is really confusing to find anything now.
I think I'm going to work on veroboarding some bassists favorites :)
We're pushing the envelope now with different forums but I hear your input and appreciate it. :D
One of the things that has shattered lots of forums that I've seen is the shock of growth from being a little community to being a big city. I can't keep up with the traffic here any more. A year ago I read every post every day, but now I only have time to read maybe 5 to 10% of the posts. I don't have the same time availability any more, but the traffic here has grown quite a bit. More sub-forums makes it even harder to keep track of.
Depending on what you want to get out of the effect, there may be only a couple of caps to change but it all depends on the circuit and what you want from it.
If you want a particular bass effect, just post a request and I'm sure you'll get some good answers.
Look up Mooseapotamous' Bass Paralooper. That one will let you use any guitar pedal with a bass.
A question like, "I'm looking for a story about climbing Mt. Everest" will be much more effective than the question, "know any good books?". ;)
This stripboard stuff is really cool. I hope it helps to create a centralized index of bass effects.
If anybody wants to make a thread that lists bass effects projects, I will be happy to move it into the FAQ or maybe an index to it in the (currently) almost unused "ISI" section.... that's probably better. :D
Right, I wouldn't make a bass effect forum. But I'd think about making a veroboard forum. As is since Torchy deleted a bunch of stuff it is hard to find relevant info now. Unless someone wants to go through and start cleaning/combining all the veroboard threads. There aren't "that" many.
About bass effects. Once I get a perm job (currently temp) I'm going to buy a bunch of componants. I have bookmarked several effects I'd like to try and see if they work for bass iwth no to little modification. Such as I heard a bass on a Muff Pi, pretty dang cool!
I have tons of effects bookmarked. Partly because I came across them as I was searching to make my chorused octave effect. However I have determined that it is near impossible to do my idea with the current DIY schematics out there. I will have to stay digital with that for now.
Here's a short list projects I am going to look at for bass, not necessarily good for veroboard.
jc's 360 preamp. I will probably get someone to make a PCB for this since it is complex
Brass master, same situation
JFET preamp, same situation
As for effects that can be veroboarded:
Ruby with bassman mods (my headphone amp is this, awesome!)
Whisker Biscuit (with bazz fuss dirt modification)
Bazz Fuss
zombie chorus
small clone
Are any of those veroboarded now?
I know some other effects I want to try out are, such as
easy face
green ringer
Is there a Dr Q, nurse quaky?
I might vero the paralooper.
I haven't checked the photobucket site recently. Gotta find a link :)
Basically I just want a good fuss/distortion, chorus, clean octave up if I can find one, looper, reverb or autowah, and possibly compressor or clipper. Those are the effects I am targetting right now.
There are other threads about this too.
Quote from: Peter Snowberg
Look up Mooseapotamous' Bass Paralooper. That one will let you use any guitar pedal with a bass.
Not really. All it does is split the incoming signal into two and allow you to put an effect on one of those signals. the effect is still getting a bass signal, so if it sucked on it's own it could possibly still suck with the clean bass blended with it.
I've done this with many effects on my computer. There's some effects that are just not bass friendly no matter what you do to them. Well, it's a matter of opinion I guess...
Very good points! It is a definite charm of this community that it's not so massive and spread out in a dozen forums. I obviously only joined recently, so I can't tell if I'm in the middle of a surge, or just part of a growing trend, but the veroboard threads make it seem like there's a definite surge in participation -- and maybe the more accessible layouts will invite more novices (like me)...which, unfortunately, could fatigue the more knowledgeable contributors? Success at creating a great internet community (like this one) can often be its own biggest challenge...but I'll say this -- there seem to be such strong threads (content-wise) that don't get derailed by less knowledgable folk, so hopefully that means the core of this group that is really responsible for the bulk of the content, is not being disturbed...which would be a crime!
I should qualify all my suggestion posts with "and if not, don't worry since this place is fantastic!" because I, like everyone else, already feel deeply indebted to everyone here for their contributions!
oh, and thanks for the reminder on the paralooper...I had looked it over once before, but completely forgot that line "it will 'Bassify' any ...guitar pedal..." I had it tucked away in my mind as a neat looper, and not much more...
Quote from: Peter SnowbergWe're pushing the envelope now with different forums but I hear your input and appreciate it. :D
One of the things that has shattered lots of forums that I've seen is the shock of growth from being a little community to being a big city. I can't keep up with the traffic here any more. A year ago I read every post every day, but now I only have time to read maybe 5 to 10% of the posts. I don't have the same time availability any more, but the traffic here has grown quite a bit. More sub-forums makes it even harder to keep track of.
Depending on what you want to get out of the effect, there may be only a couple of caps to change but it all depends on the circuit and what you want from it.
If you want a particular bass effect, just post a request and I'm sure you'll get some good answers.
Look up Mooseapotamous' Bass Paralooper. That one will let you use any guitar pedal with a bass.
A question like, "I'm looking for a story about climbing Mt. Everest" will be much more effective than the question, "know any good books?". ;)
This stripboard stuff is really cool. I hope it helps to create a centralized index of bass effects.
If anybody wants to make a thread that lists bass effects projects, I will be happy to move it into the FAQ or maybe an index to it in the (currently) almost unused "ISI" section.... that's probably better. :D
Hmmmmm..... I wonder about a Veroboard forum...... :D
It seems like it could justify a new section specific to this style of construction. It really seems to be taking things by storm around here these days. :D
Let's keep batting the idea around.
I'm nowhere near old enough to be considered a "fuddy duddy," but I tend to think like one, i.e. "I like things the way they are, no need to go around fixin' what ain't broke!"
Keep in mind here that I'm a big fan of veroboard, and I'm all in favor of supporting its use, especially among newer DIYers.
I agree that there has been a "surge" recently in the creation and discussion of veroboard layouts. But doesn't "surge" imply a sharp increase (now), and later on a dropping off in interest? Would we just remove the Vero forum once things got too slow?
We don't have separate forums for advocates of other construction methods. People have their own preferences regarding circuit design and construction. To me, Vero is not much different at all from perf or PCBs, certainly not enough to warrant a separate forum. I think the OT/Lounge forum was necessary, because the discussions didn't pertain to building your own stompbox. But vero discussions certainly do, and I don't think they're getting in the way or hindering those who aren't interested in it. Perhaps just having one each of the "Thanks vero guys!" and "Vero guys, requesting ..." threads would cut down a bit on the number of posts, but still, it's no trouble to have them posted.
I also prefer having information in one place. I think everyone benefits by having the lowest possible number of separate forums.
My 2pf.
Veroboard sounds like a great idea, and the layouts torchy and ect..made are awsome! but i still dont get it? Whats the big deal?
Quote from: jimbobVeroboard sounds like a great idea, and the layouts torchy and ect..made are awsome! but i still dont get it? Whats the big deal?
it saves people from having to make or buy p.c.b.'s and it saves folks from doing perf...which i detest's funner as well for some reason....
Quote from: SirPoongaMaybe a dedicated forum? Since Torchy went through and deleted a bunch of stuff it is really confusing to find anything now...
(just been the 50 millionth visitor :lol: )
Veroboard idea, millenium bypass :)
I'm STILL for a seperate forum for new layouts/circuit designs.
What's LPB1? I can;t find the schematic on muzique. That does remind me, I want to try the hog's foot on veroboard too.
Quote from: SirPoongaWhat's LPB1? I can;t find the schematic on muzique. That does remind me, I want to try the hog's foot on veroboard too.
i posted a Hogs Foots vero layout about a week ago :)
Cool. There's an actual EH Hog's Foot at my local shop. I have been wanting to try it out with my bass.
I am missing something. Where's the stripboard template? I see the parts template but not the board.
Quote from: SirPoongaCool. There's an actual EH Hog's Foot at my local shop. I have been wanting to try it out with my bass.
I am missing something. Where's the stripboard template? I see the parts template but not the board.
im confused...are you talking to me...or Torchy ?
if youre referring to Torchy's template, you have to "size" and "color" the board...there are parts and the boards gray lines on the template...
if youre referring to my Hogs Foot layout, this is the one i posted last week some time....
QuoteAre any of those veroboarded now?
I know some other effects I want to try out are, such as
easy face
green ringer
Is there a Dr Q, nurse quaky?
I think they are all on Torchy's site.
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Quote from: SirPoongaVeroboard idea, millenium bypass :)
A veroboard layout for it or add it to the existing layouts? I have one for the MB1, didn't post it cos I didn't think it was worth it. I will if you want it though.
Quote from: TheBigMan
A veroboard layout for it or add it to the existing layouts? I have one for the MB1, didn't post it cos I didn't think it was worth it. I will if you want it though.
Both. A layout that could easily be added to other veroboard projects.
Think that's it. It's a PITA to draw resistors with cuts underneath them. :evil:
Hold on guys, I just did something that will make organization of stripboard layouts much easier. It's going to take a couple of days and I will let you guys know.
Oh, and if Torchy or anyone wants to add that to their site (assuming of course I haven't made an arse of it :wink: ) then that's fine with me.