I think it would be really cool if you could add a forum for general beginner questions. And also, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, make a faq as a sticky on the most common newbie questions. If you're too busy, I could maybe write the faq, I'm not too experienced, but I'm sure other people here might help. the people in this forum might even appreciate it because it would take most of the newbie questions out. I too have been one of the newbie question culprits. lol. just a thought. but I wouldn't mind helping out. Have a great day, and thank you for such a good community.
I understand your concerns, and appreciat ethat you are aware that newbie questions can be tedious for the more advanced. I, too, and a mewb.
But remember that you're not the first "new" person to visit the site. It has functioned fairly well for many newcomers, including myself, without painfully directed learning. What I would suggest is reading through the entire FAQ, following the links to other good sites (geofex, amz, generalguitargadgets), and following the links on those sites as well. I know that it seems tedious to go through all of that information, but if you are truly a newb, then all of it will add to your knowledge, even if you don't find the answer to the specific question you are looking for. In fact, that's how I learned most of what I know--reading every post, regardless of whether I knew what they were talking about electronically--and plowing through the volumes of information in search of a specific answer.
I tell you, I learned a TON of information by looking (googling, actually) for an explanation of HOW A TRANSISTOR WORKS (or something like that). The only reason why I learned so much during that search was because it was so hard to find.
Again, I think that the process of searching yourself is much better than a basic list, because not only do you learn more, you learn how to search, which is a much needed skill around here (for myself as well as others).
My official suggestion is to seek the answers you are looking for, because in the process you will find tha answers to most questions that will follow.
(And troll the forum. But not in a "eat billy goats" kind of way, in a nice, attentive, quiet troll kind of way).
I too have done that, I have a stack a stack about 10 inches tall of the various faqs, from all the major sites listed +, and I also many forum conversations printed. I'm just saying for anyone else who comes in and doesn't know what to do. I know a decent amount. and I do all of the above, I just figured a newb forum would be the best way for everyone.
It's certainly true (in any place!) that 10% of the questions are asked 90% of the time.
The problem is, peopel unfamilir with a subject, often don't know how to ask the question they want answered.
Quote from: ryanscissorhandsI understand your concerns, and appreciat ethat you are aware that newbie questions can be tedious for the more advanced.
Tedious? Hardly! Only to those who forgot they were newbies once. Arrogance, insecurity, and overwhelming feelings of self importance can do that to some folks. It's kind of silly when someone who looks on your beginner question with contempt will then take the time to reply and say so. :roll: Guys like RG, Zvex, Mark Hammer, Aron, Puretube, Paul Perry and Pete Snowberg have no problem helping out with simple problems, so don't sweat it when lesser knowledgeable people get impatient.
There are exceptions of course. Sometimes the intent/wording of the question will cause a lack of answers, You should try to research/search first before you ask. Use the "what to do when it won't work" sticky, and follow advice when given.
It is a DIY forum after all. You can make yourself a pedal here. You don't have to even care how an op amp works. Many here are musicians who want to get sounds that can't be had in commercial pedals. Your local Lowes or DIY lumberyard wouldn't turn you away because your not a professional contractor would they?
Helping newcomers is the equivalent of buying a bunch of broken pedals, and debugging/fixing them. Except that helping is a hell of lot cheaper, and just as rewarding. :)
I _still_ think there should be some sort of "advanced" forum, for design and stuff.
How about an LM13700 forum?
Quote from: HalI _still_ think there should be some sort of "advanced" forum, for design and stuff.
that would be very interesting. i would sit here all day and watch the people create the next Must Build. probably not experienced enough to actually participate in such a forum... but yes, a good sounding idea!
I like reading all types of threads, newbie threads and more advanced threads. The real knowledgeable folks seem more than happy to discuss the simplest matters, so i don't see a problem at all :)
This forum should have required reading. You have to buy the following "textbooks" and pass a test before you can post:
Electronic Projects for Musicians by Craig Anderton (re-wiring everything to get rid of that damned 4739 will teach you tons)
DIY Projects for Guitarists by Craig Anderton (especially the design your own preamp chapter)
OK OK I'm half joking, but seriously, if you're a newbie start with a book! If you can't figure simple things out after reading the above two, this hobby is not for you.
what about a META like on www.groupdiy.com?
that make a lot more easy find the info . really I don`t like this search motor.
I'm always a fan of breaking up info when it starts getting unwieldly, and I'm surprised a more advanced forum hasn't already been forked off (I wouldn't be of much use there, but there are guys here who clearly would). But in terms of newbie materials, there are a few things right on these screens that you should try reading and then see if there are gaps that you think it would be helpful to fill. Check out the two FAQs at the top of the page (DIY FAQ and GEO FAQ) and then check out the very practical sticky on what to do when things don't work. Then identify any key questions you think are overlooked or poorly answered, and there you have the basis for a new FAQ.
out of intertest has anyone ever thought of doing a wikipedia type thing for stomp boxes? that would probablly be the easiest way to have a huge collection of knowledge. it would also make it really easy to add more stuff to it.