help me!! I have a full-hollow body guitar and fender twin reverb and i am using multiple effects including a tubescreamer. The feedback can get out of control during a gig when the amp is cranked up. I've tried everything i can think of. Any suggestions??? ??? ???
i´ve experienced similar problems with my hollowbody, which i don´t use for gigs anymore. but i used to tape the holes over, that helped a bit but is kind of stupid, because it affects the tone of the guitar and the tone of the guitar is probably the reason you play it. the same problem occurs with any kind of gating, it´s not the same guitar anymore, so why play it? it´s like putting a lawn-mower motor in your sports car. :-\
ibanez prouds itself for coping with the problem in their new hollowbody guitars, but i haven´t tried them yet.
i think, if you play loud, a hollow body guitar is not probably not the best choice, because its so acoustic and will feed back.
but maybe somebody has a less radical solution than using a different guitar alltogether.
It is possible to suppress feedback to a degree by using a notch filter. A similar system works quite well with electro acoustics, however, the problem frequencies are probably around the same as those being boosted by the tubescreamer. Probably something like 2KHz, I guess you can't have it both ways.
Ted Nugent used a hollowbody Gibson live-and sometimes through a wall of Fender Twins in the 70's. His preferred method of feedback suprression was stuffing the hollow portions of his guitar with bedding foam.