Where could I find a pcb layout for a 6 pole rotary switch (mounted) to be used for cap switching? I have already populated my wah pcb using a Tonepad layout. Had I decided on using a rotary switch beforehand I would have probably used one of JD's boards which has all the sweep caps on the wah pcb. A layout like Stuart Castledine's (below) would be ideal. In the meantime, I'll try my hand with whatever free pcb software I can find.
Nice Work!
Clearer trace image for pnp.
You guys are awesome!!! Would it be advisable to use the ground and resistors or could I omit the ground and jumper the resistors? I assume they would help keep the switch from popping but is there any other reason for their use?
Last question....should the ground lead be connected to a jack, wah shell or pcb ground?