I need a MN3007 bucket brigade chip for my chorus clone. Mouser lists the NTE1641 as being a compatible part. Is Mouser on the money or should I jusy pony up the extra money for the MN3007? Thanks.
If you look at the NTE site, that's the number it gives.
NTE is somewhat funky. I've seen stories about re-labeled parts and sub-spec parts. I'm weary of their sources and wouldn't trust them for a sub source on anything exotic (read as anything less common than a 2N2222).
I don't know how many companies sourced 3007 workalikes, but chances are the NTE part will work fine. Noise may be another issue.
nte part is a relabelled mn3007, why not get a 3007 from smallbear? they should be reasonable.
I know Small Bear has the MN3007. This was more of a general question and learning experience. Thanks for the input.