Just built my first stompbox, used Richard Boop's fuzzface layout from this very site. I'm a total newb at this stuff but it WORKED on the first try and sounds really cool. The layout is a little schizo because I used one of these general purpose radio shack boards, does anyone know where to get stripboards in the US???? I bought some off of ebay from this dude in England but I couldn't find any online anywhere...The DPDT switch is toggle switch, radio shack didn't have the pushbutton kind and I figured this would work for now, could've just omitted it in retrospect. Only big mistake I made was soldering in one of the transistors the wrong way, got my B and C mixed up and painstakingly desoldered the damn thing with one of those rubber bulbs, trying not to blob solder all over the place. Anyway, this is a great site, I couldn't quite figure out how to make one of these until I discovered this site...Thanks Aron and Richard Boop for a clear, easy to understand layout. How do you post images on here???