I did some research on the LED/LDR, and got to the conclusion that i'd build it out of a LDR 9k-600k into a shrinking tube with a green led... but now a new option has appeared.
I've found tthis CLM8000, LED + LDR, 400Ω-500KΩ, i was wondering if i could use it as it is, or if i could add a 4k7 resistor to one of the legs of the LDR, so i would have from 5k1 to 504k7, which is close to what is asked in the tremulus lune. Here is the data sheet http://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/91639/ETC/CLM8000.html (http://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/91639/ETC/CLM8000.html) maybe someone can tell if the "reaction time is enough"
Thank you a lot from advanced..
Bye Bye!!
Diego Andrés Cao
Another option is to use the 4k7's on demand, wire them through a switch.
I guess they want the 5k min resistance there either as a way to let more sound through when the trem sweep is 'up', or because there is something about the circuit which requires 5k min there...
Since the tremolo circuit is so adjustable anyway, I would just use the 400 ohm to 500k units and add the 4k7 later if necessary.
I would guess either one would work pretty well...
Ok! Thanks a lot..
I've got couple of doubts. If theres a part in the circuit there that requires 5k min of ressistance, nothing would happen if i put 500ohms right?? I think i'll just test with one or other.. if i like both, i'll add a switch... or just stay with one.. The question is, if i had to add a 4k7 resistor, it would only be added TO ANY ONE of the legs of the ldr, just one right??
And.. just to bother a bit more :P is it possible to tell if the reaction time is enough?
Thank you a lot lot!
Bye bye
Diego Andrés Cao.
It's the total series resistance that is important, so - yes - you can add the 4k7 resistor to either of the legs of LDR.
With respect to response time, if it sounds good then it's fine. :) You will perhaps get a slightly different sound depend on the ramp up / ramp down characteristics of the LDR, but as long as you like it, don't worry about it; you can always get some different LDRs to try once you've got the basic pedal working if you like.
Bright green LED + LDR works great.
Well! First of all, thanks a lot. I think i'll breadboard this and chose which one is best, or maybe both. I may have the 400ohm to 500k, or these +4k7 resistor and/or led+ldr(9 to 600k).. think ill try and see which one is best!
thanks a lot