NAMMSATION: new B******** "vintage" TM delay clonED ! (
NewTimeMachine You Pure-Tubed here:
Through-Z-Vibrato ( (10MB videosoundclip)
Find-A-Pitch ( (580kB clippy)
ok: since I keep getting questions coz that link to HC seems to be broken,
here`s that OP over there + a few (saved) replies:
(yes: a little confusing...)
that thread re-appeared, so this one has been rubbed...
BTW: of course, the "NEW T*ME MACHINE" in that clip is
not really a clone of that Borey pedal!!!
Nobody makes Boreys like BOREY!
Holy crap! Those are some insaely awesome sounds!
thanks, Antero.
there`s another clip of 4.6MB up there with one tone
"Automatic floating-Vibrato Triple-Tracking"... (
the pedal is now called: "Advantage Time Machine".
OK, more fun with self-stretching modulated delay from the next generation`s
all analogue harmonic pitching "Advantage Time Machine":
NEW You-Tube sound-videos:
"Wideband F-A-P" (
"Find-a-Pitch" delay-sequence with more extremely pitched intervals.
"E..." (
same sequence on open low E-string only.
"Pitch-Blurr" (
same again, but this time with engaged "ARPEGGIO"-switch to "smear" the pitch...
Those are wonderful effects, Brother Ton. :icon_biggrin:
I take it this is all higher-order modulation (i.e., modulation of modulation) of a 4k-stage delay line, entirely in the analog domain?
more than one (BBD-) line, Mark... of course pure analogue!
(well: clocking the chips is "hybrid" :icon_wink: ).
So will this be the Whammy Hoax? :icon_lol: or the Flanger Conspiracy? I think it should be the "Dutch Treat"! Whatever it is, or will be, or will be called, it's lovely and yet another audio adventure.
"BeggINGer`s Last G(r)asp" ?
in these YouTube-vids:
it does the "DIVE" ( ,
the "Auto-Whammie" ( ,
"Normal" ( ,
and: "Infinite Repeat" ( ...
I'm always interested in how ideas and designs come to be, so, a "process" question or two.
Did you have a specific goal in attaining these remarkable sounds (e.g., I want to make a box that does or is capable of doing THIS), or was this a case of stumbling onto properties of a design you didn't initially realize were there?
Alternatively, did you set out to do something strange and wonderful, knowing was was hypothetically possible, or did the first bit of strangeness you stumbled onto simply prompt your imagination?
Whatever is happening, you certainly look like you are having a LOT of fun in those Youtube clips. A LOT of fun. I would say that I envy you in that respect, but actually the fun is very contagious. I don't know if I'm having exactly as good a time as you...but VERY close! :icon_biggrin:
it came from an idea I wanted to try out ~30 years ago, but never could afford for the following ~20 years...
now about a week ago, I just wanted to add a little more aural "space" into a new fuzz-box-design,
and while doin`it, this "Boreing" NAMM news came in,
so I decided to f***`em back with something more ADvanced than their copy of vintAGE...
(that a.m. old idea came back to my mind right in time...)
I can't wait to hear the "Gluhwein"! It'll warm your guitar sound up from the inside on a cold, Munich winter day...
Get working on it Ton.
Very cool sounds!!! I really loved the "Find-a- pitch" clip. I got a big kick outta seeing the man himself showing of his creation after a hard night of building like a very proud mad scientist!!!
Seriously, I want one of these so badly. Are you going to get the EHX guys to make it, or...?
WOW! Awesome sounds! Super cool, Ton!
~ Charlie
My wife just told me whatever was making those noises, I was not alowed to get one.
Which means I have to keep it in my desk at work!
Well, just like you are in our house! What incredible sounds Ton - I'm speechless.
more fun (3.2Mb) , with the "TrumpFuzz"-setting (,
in search of similarities between brass- and bowed instruments...
Quote from: tiges_ tendres on January 29, 2007, 08:54:14 PM
My wife just told me whatever was making those noises, I was not alowed to get one.
my wife just knows if the KIDS heard it, they'd want one EACH
so I'm not allowed to get one either :icon_sad:
OK: I switched off the octaving accompaniment and the vibrato, to save the kidz:
TrumpFuzLay (
Wow. Are all these wonderful noises coming from the same pedal? That thing is amazing.
Interesting sounds on the bass strings. Definitely have a slight 'bowed' quality to them. Very nice Ton!
Puretube that stuff is awsome. Top shelf all the way
oh what the hey.
How much??? The wife doesn't need to know .... :icon_twisted:
What type of circuit is creating all these noizes?! They are just crazy, I love the vibrato through zero! Is it just a delay which has it's "delay length" modulated?
it`s this secret up-modded clone:
of this new/so-called "vintage":
"Clone of a B****inger" (
:o :icon_rolleyes:We should never underestimate the Mojo, but when you think it, it sounds logigal that when you reverse-copy-clone a B-Machine, the clone sounds better of course than original
so you found the IC that the behringer uses and just went from there? SM, but i could work around that if need be. would you like to tell us the IC's name? ;D
yes I found that out, but I went there long before, and went beyond that... - ...went were they`ll never be: "ahead"!
that one IC in the picture on the right has not ever been used in a modulated delay this way, AFAIK,
and: yes, RoHS compliant DIL versions are readily available...
tell tell tell!!!!!!!!
no no no !!! :icon_mrgreen:
You've seen the pix before, choklit. It's gonna take a LOT of beer to wrestle secrets from Mr. B. This guy drinks from BIG mugs. :icon_lol:
that's cool. i didn't expect him to. hopefully he'll make a project or something so the rest of us can have some fun too!
what kind of beer? paulaner? guiness? i'm game!
Damn. I want one of those magnifying glass/tweezer things. ;D
out of curosity puretube, what are your intentions for this circuit?
I wanna know more too :o I'm about to knock up a envelope/sequencer/lfo modulated delay pedal. Will be cool to see if I get anywhere near these type of sounds from it!
Quote from: choklitlove on February 16, 2007, 12:02:52 AM
out of curosity puretube, what are your intentions for this circuit?
yeah, what are your intentions?
noise, fun, money...
Quote from: brad on February 15, 2007, 06:50:22 PM
Damn. I want one of those magnifying glass/tweezer things. ;D
radioshack sells them. i think they cost 3 or 4 dollars.
So I played with the input section of the "ArcDiver"
(left out the delay-section completely)
and with 2 (
other threads ( in mind,
came across these varying waveforms:
scope-vid 1 ( [>10Mb - only recommended for widebanders!...]
the note starts almost sawish, gets straight to square, and morphs into crossoverdistortionlike asymmetrical sine
as it decays...
(of course the recording suffers from the cam being behind the cab, and trying to operate/watch 4 things at a time... :icon_redface:)
love it love it :)
all the Bloe-Joe collection ;)
in this scope-vid 2 (,
the initial (spaced) exponential saw is more pronounced, and when morphed through
the square
gives birth to a mean little spikey on the left... :icon_smile:
Quote from: QSQCaito on February 22, 2007, 10:54:01 AM
love it love it :)
all the Bloe-Joe collection ;)
the other clips:
blo-jo-3 (
blo-jo-4 (
blo-jo-5 (
plus those 2 in the
Saw-Thread reply#30 (
are as (too) large as the first ones.
Anyway, I wanted more than a single sawtooth stringy sound,
and so swapped the waveform modifier back to the "Arcdiver" type,
but hooked a new type of "processor" after it,
and came up with:
OrCaster, The SinPhonizer (
2 more (small) clips to be found
here (;topicseen#msg420413)
Not to be an ingrate or doubtful, but I would love to hear/see some samples where you used the bridge pickup or maybe even a single-coil pickup. The 335 is a wonderful guitar but not every instrument can get that much "meat" in its tone, especially in the bridge or middle position.
BTW that SinPhonizer a word...remarkable. What is your wife feeding you?
sinphonic orcaster is wonderful
get one to edge from U2 stat!
within last 4 days, I did the cooking 3 times - inbetween I took her out for pizza...
a QUICKY for you (,
mexican strat/ bridge/tone full bright...
joe: first 1 goes Pink Floyd; 2nd: Yes (do they still exist?); 3rd: RHCP; 4th: Edge/U2
the proto goes to Mike Matthews, of course... :icon_smile:
clip2 (
clip3 (
clip4 (
all bright Fender (mex) Strat (with 5 year old strings...)
So cool.
Quote from: puretube on February 28, 2007, 01:54:22 PM
joe: first 1 goes Pink Floyd; 2nd: Yes (do they still exist?); 3rd: RHCP; 4th: Edge/U2
the proto goes to Mike Matthews, of course... :icon_smile:
clip2 (
clip3 (
clip4 (
all bright Fender (mex) Strat (with 5 year old strings...)
I have 12 year old strings on my SG diy copy!!
Quote from: puretube on February 28, 2007, 01:47:55 PM
within last 4 days, I did the cooking 3 times - inbetween I took her out for pizza...
a QUICKY for you (,
mexican strat/ bridge/tone full bright...
Quite extraordinary!
a reduced, unmodulated version to be seen in the "Double Delay" (
Quote from: puretube on March 26, 2007, 04:36:31 AM
it`s the PCBs from reply#28 ( in the other thread...
completely new (secret own) design...
...MusikMesse starts on wednesday - still gotta finish another box... :icon_wink:
Hi Mark:
above mentioned "other box" (from the Dubble Delay-thread ( made it in time, to go tomorrow... :
(my first "perf-build" in >3 years, and I noticed again: I knew I don`t like perfing...
takes me >25 times longer than PCB - ok: did this one "on the fly" without drawing,
just from the schemo, but nevertheless...)
(very happy it worked right away, without debugging/re-wiring whatsoever: it just
had to!)
above pics are the souped-down version of: "Orcaster, the SinPhonizer"
(a Hybrid Transistor/ Post-Distortion Digitally Processed Fuzz-Box)
without analog modulation... :icon_lol:)
sandwiched again: a winner of the contest of 2 months ago: "smd-surfboard" :icon_smile:
Those have to be the strangest looking pots I've ever seen. What are they?
Vishay 1W Cermet hermetically sealed with pre-fab knob (don`t ask for descr. or numbers: they are $ 6.35 (ex-VAT) each @ 100+ currently, but: I got the last badges of pre-RoHS a couple of months ago from my supplier for 38 cents each...
drawback: inside nut! i.e.: mount before wiring... :icon_sad:
puretube- i love the layered boards. sounds like fun. i might try that sometime just because.
i hope we get first dibs when you decide to sell/release this stuff!
that latest wouldn`t have been neccessary to sandwich, if the analog part were SMD`d...
it`s a brandnew dawn...
honk-onk-onk (
(just delay the shifted...)
originally handsoldered selected RoHS components! (
see/listen "The SHRINE" performing its new effect:
T. E. P. (
This has to be one of the coolest threads ever.
Very Interesting sounds, what sounds like a wide variety of new sound features !
Nicely recorded vid-clips !
The Beh****** gets the 'little bone' diagram, without all the coolest new bigger-bone features and clones them into mass production SMT's?, that'd be 'kudo's x threefold' by my account, a very cool side effect feature.
That last clip is one of the coolest sounding pedals I've ever heard. Please tell us that it will be for sale soon!
Quote from: Mark Hammer on March 27, 2007, 05:03:44 PM
Those have to be the strangest looking pots I've ever seen. What are they?
Finally came across the printed out Vishay datasheets ( of`em today while working on this year`s goodies after having been so rudely interrupted, last year;
so it was easy to find`em back online for you, Mark ( :icon_smile:
Quote from: Rodgre on January 21, 2008, 11:39:26 AM
That last clip is one of the coolest sounding pedals I've ever heard. Please tell us that it will be for sale soon!
err, it`s just yer average BarberPolePitchShifting... ( :icon_mrgreen:
Quote from: puretube on March 27, 2007, 04:37:29 PM
Quote from: puretube on March 26, 2007, 04:36:31 AM
it`s the PCBs from reply#28 ( in the other thread...
completely new (secret own) design...
...MusikMesse starts on wednesday - still gotta finish another box... :icon_wink:
Hi Mark:
above mentioned "other box" (from the Dubble Delay-thread ( made it in time, to go tomorrow... :
(my first "perf-build" in >3 years, and I noticed again: I knew I don`t like perfing...
takes me >25 times longer than PCB - ok: did this one "on the fly" without drawing,
just from the schemo, but nevertheless...)
(very happy it worked right away, without debugging/re-wiring whatsoever: it just had to!)
above pics are the souped-down version of: "Orcaster, the SinPhonizer"
(a Hybrid Transistor/ Post-Distortion Digitally Processed Fuzz-Box)
without analog modulation... :icon_lol:)
sandwiched again: a winner of the contest of 2 months ago: "smd-surfboard" :icon_smile:
oh, yes,
that pictured pre-show proto 4 months after our negotiations in Frankfurt (
became better known as:
Having listened to the samples from your youtube videos (sinphonizer orcaster) and the samples of the holy stain, it seems like the production pedal got toned down quite considerably!
Are my ears deceiving me?
read close in above post from march 27, 2007...:
Quoteabove pics are the souped-down version of: "Orcaster, the SinPhonizer"
(a Hybrid Transistor/ Post-Distortion Digitally Processed Fuzz-Box)
without analog modulation... )
Quote from: puretube on January 21, 2008, 01:29:15 PM
read close in above post from march 27, 2007...:
Quoteabove pics are the souped-down version of: "Orcaster, the SinPhonizer"
(a Hybrid Transistor/ Post-Distortion Digitally Processed Fuzz-Box)
without analog modulation... )
So when can we expect the souped up "Holier Stain"? ;)
And why the decision to make it less than it could be?
While I know the "free information" crowd has gotten you down before, in the end, I think you've handled it in the best possible way.
Innovate faster than they can duplicate.
-- T. G. --
new: H.S. demo vid... (
for Mark:
the "100% Third Harmonic Creator" (Tripfold...)* voltage-contolled alternating with "dry", by virtue of an LFO
(though could have been done by external passive expression-pedal, too...) :
"AutoTri" (
"TripVib" (
"TriCopter" (
"SlowTri" (
(upper scope-trace shows: "dry" signal, lower one: "wet" signal = what you hear)
btw: there is no "wavefolding" in the classic "function generator" sense involved, though the results look/sound similar or even equal... :icon_wink:
* spin-off of the circuit mentioned in the "Crossover Distortion"-thread (,
this time however not: envelope-controlled from tri-to-dry...
Out Of Nowhere (
This Disaster (
New Song W/ 3D Drumming (
10.000 Feet/s (
Kitchen Fork (
enjoy :icon_biggrin:
V.C.D.ivider... ( - analogue - LFO`d
Quote from: Rodgre on January 21, 2008, 11:39:26 AM
That last clip is one of the coolest sounding pedals I've ever heard. Please tell us that it will be for sale soon!
finally, there indeed IS a recently released commercial pedal which does some of the trix, "TEH SHRINE" was/is capable of...
EQD`s Rainbow Machine... ( a development of their own, though! :icon_biggrin: :icon_cool: