DIY Stompboxes => Building your own stompbox => Topic started by: Kraen on January 25, 2007, 06:58:54 AM

Title: Tonepad Ross/dynacomp switch
Post by: Kraen on January 25, 2007, 06:58:54 AM
I know, I know... There has been millions of threads on these two types of comps. This question is more specific on the switch you can insert to switch between these two comps.

I'm using a PCB from tonepad as seen here:

The schematic for the switch is here:

Ok, so I'm a retard at this... Here's the bottom of my switch:

0    0    0
0    0    0
0    0    0 
0    0    0

Where does the positive legs of the electrolytics go? Which legs do I use for ground?

I was going to attach the positives to all the legs to the left and the ground wire in the center... but that's not right, is it?

Once again, I apologize for this stupid qustion. Hope you'll help me out anyway...


Title: Re: Tonepad Ross/dynacomp switch
Post by: scaesic on January 25, 2007, 08:04:15 AM
there are 9 differences between them, i think there's too many different parts to be able to switch from one to another with one switch, unless you build one of each?

is that a 6pst switch? or a 4pdt? i've never seen a switch like that.
Title: Re: Tonepad Ross/dynacomp switch
Post by: Kraen on January 25, 2007, 08:11:41 AM
I'm pretty sure it can be done with this. It's a 4PDT toggle switch like this:

According to the tonepad explanation this is the right switch.

Title: Re: Tonepad Ross/dynacomp switch
Post by: Mark Hammer on January 25, 2007, 11:24:48 AM
The Ross is essentially a Dynacomp with a few circuit "improvements".  It was not intended to sound dramatically different, so why do you want to complicate things by using switches to reverse the improvements?

There have been a number of posted mods from various people which attempt to produce tones that neither the Ross or MXR versions ever could.  Those are definitely worth doing, but IMHO wasting panel space, switches, and time/money in being able to turn the one product into the other (particularly given that they aim for essentially the same thing) is not going to yield much ROI...if any.

Worthy mods?:  1) Recovery-time mod (variations in the 150k resistance), 2) Treble fix mods (JC Maillet's or mine), 3) Analog Mike's simulated distortion (maxi-ripple) mod.  That's three toggle switches.  Between that, 2 pots, and a stompswitch, your pedal will be busy enough.