Well, I think it's about time to replace all big sized/high voltage black DPDT switches I used on the 13 DIY boxes I built,
with high quality , reliable , resistive DPDTs which won't make any contact poblems and I'll finally will be able to use them all without any sound problems...
Who sells them for cheap ? I'll need about 13 units I think... :icon_rolleyes:
Thanks buddies !
How about these?
They look more appropriate than those chunky Carlings or those cheap x-wing ones, but I've never used 'em so I can't say for sure. Anyone else ever tried these?
I've used these in a couple of pedals. 2+ years service so far. No problems. They are alot sturdier than you would think something that small would be. Do however, be careful when soldering (As always...). There was a thread where these were discussed a while back. Why not try a couple before committing to 13?
All the best!
Oh! BTW...http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=55970.0
That looks like almost the same thing I put up; same price too.
Quote from: soulsonic on June 24, 2007, 09:59:40 PM
That looks like almost the same thing I put up; same price too.
It's all in here...
Quote from: oldschoolanalog on June 24, 2007, 09:45:29 PM
Oh! BTW...http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=55970.0
How about using the 3pdt switches and leave one pole empty, they have a very good track record, better than the different DPDTs available, it seems like. They seem to be about the same price too. Plus, if one pole breaks for some reason, you'll have an extra.
oh... and as far as I remember I don't need to use the millenium bypass circuits if I have a 3PDT, so no pop issues, is that corrent ?
oh... and as far as I remember I don't need to use the millenium bypass circuits if I have a 3PDT, so no pop issues, is that corrent
3pdt can do true bypass with LEd indicator, and is the easiest way to set that up.
You'll have to difine 'pop' and 'issue'...lol..
3PDT blues aron sells..I use them for everything, and have recently added more LED indicators to effects.....without pop's and no issues. [9 x 3pdt w/LED, and one dpdt used].
It is 'possible to have a pop issue, even with pulldown resistors installed..by 'something wierd' or by using an LED/resistor with high current draw.
Will check it out.... who manufactures these specific ones ?