Hey people, this is my first project... I need some help from the veterans. :)
I made a Ross Compressor a week ago, and it was working fine until Saturday, when I made the metal case and a Millenium Bypass and somehow I made something that ruined my circuit... I took off the M. Bypass and tried again, but nothing good happened.
-It's a Ross Compressor from Tonepad. ( http://www.tonepad.com/project.asp?id=9 (http://www.tonepad.com/project.asp?id=9) )
-No sound at all coming from the output, just a hum when I touch the pots' leads
-I changed the transistors for BC549C and worked fine before I ruined it, but now I tested knew BCs and the 2N3904 and no changes. (I needed to change the position cuz they don't have the same pinage.)
-I tried a new IC, no changes.
-The Bypass works fine.
Battery Voltage = 8.3V (Same on circuit)
The meter is Analog, it's a good one.
C - 6.1V
B - ??* (I tried to measure that, but something strange happened... No matter what scale I put, the meter stays almost in the same position, WTF is going on here?)
E - 1.8V
C - 5.8V
B - 1.6V
E - 2.1V
C - 4.8V
B - 0V
E - 0V
C - 4.8V
B - 0V
E - 0V
C - 8.3V
B - 4.8V
E - 7.7V
1 - Not used
2 - 2V*
3 - 2V* (These two are strange too... I think they are suposed to have more voltage than this...)
4 - 0V
5 - 0.65V
6 - 0.75V* (Strange too)
7 - 8.3V
8 - Not used
C - 8.3V
A - 0V
C - 0V
A - 0V
C - 0V
A - 0V
* - All those voltages are strange, they don't show the same voltage with different scales. I don't know what that means.
I checked all the solder points, they seem fine for me.
I don't know what else to do, as I said I changed the transistors and the IC but nothing happened.
I WON'T GIVE UP! I will took all the components off the board and solder it again if I need to! All I want is this pedal working again! Now it's personal!
Please HELP!
Is that complicated? :'(
Please, I really need some help, guys... :-\
Good heavens a circuit down and someone in pain!
I'll check into it.
could you please meassure Vb (upper left on tonepad drawing)
also your battery isn't really the best which means when the circuit is working (pulling current) the voltage should really go down more than on a fresh battery.
Thanks man!
But I found the problem... Well, I didn't find but I fixed somehow. I remade some solders and tried again, and it Worked!!