DIY Stompboxes => Building your own stompbox => Topic started by: killerkev on October 12, 2007, 11:08:24 PM

Title: Jimi Hendrix Fuzz wah JH-1FW & 95Q schematic anyone?
Post by: killerkev on October 12, 2007, 11:08:24 PM
Hello fellow friends. I have this Dunlop Jimi H. fuzz wah model JH-1FW (or maybe the 1 is a I) that is in need of repair. I've searched for a schematic but haven't been able to find anything :icon_frown:. Wondering if anyone here may know where I could find it. I has a bunch of IC's in it. Much appreciated. Also have a Dunlop 95Q wah that needs repair. The circuit board has freaking computer style components in it! What the F? Any schematics or suggestions with this crap besides throw the guts out and keep the shell?
Title: Re: Jimi Hendrix Fuzz wah JH-1FW & 95Q schematic anyone?
Post by: ethanw on October 14, 2007, 12:53:40 PM
There's a couple Dunlop wah schems in my gallery here: ( 

If anyone has any wah schems they would like posted to the board pls. PM me-

Title: Re: Jimi Hendrix Fuzz wah JH-1FW & 95Q schematic anyone?
Post by: Alman on December 05, 2007, 02:39:31 PM
Hey killerkev, did you get the schematic for the JH-1FW yet? I got one off Ebay that is not working too. I sent an email to Dunlop to see what they can do for me (schematic or offer to fix). This board is real difficult to draw the schematic from. It has a double sided board.
Title: Re: Jimi Hendrix Fuzz wah JH-1FW & 95Q schematic anyone?
Post by: nooneknows on December 05, 2007, 04:37:07 PM
I think has the schem of the fuzz face in the technology of the fuzz face article if I remember correctly.

Ps. I draw the jh wah schem 2 reported in the link above many years ago giving it to Justin Philpott, it was credited to a female name, my girlfriend in that time, she owned a mail address and I didn't have one, it's funny to see it again around :)
Title: Re: Jimi Hendrix Fuzz wah JH-1FW & 95Q schematic anyone?
Post by: tcobretti on December 05, 2007, 07:56:10 PM
Food for thought: gut 'em and build a Vox replica.  It'll be pretty cheap and will sound better.  You can put buffers on it if you want, or go old school.  The only expensive part that you don't already have will be a good inductor, but I'm pretty sure you could reuse the old ones if you want.  You could also build a fuzz to put in the fuzz wah if you want.
Title: Re: Jimi Hendrix Fuzz wah JH-1FW & 95Q schematic anyone?
Post by: Alman on December 08, 2007, 02:14:31 AM
The point of trying to find a schematic was to try and repair the JH-1FW so a detailed schematic is what I am looking for. The wah and fuzz are very similar to the standard circuits, but there are some complicated switching and buffers and double sided board. The fuzz can be put before the wah and in the other mode the wah can be put before the fuzz.

I talked to someone at Dunlop and they charge a $50 flat fee to repair this particular pedal (they won't share the schematic, I already asked).  Pretty good price considering I got the pedal pretty cheap off Ebay, I may just send it out to them. They responded within 24hrs.

Anyway if someone does have the schematics that would be cool to get it.

Title: Re: Jimi Hendrix Fuzz wah JH-1FW & 95Q schematic anyone?
Post by: nooneknows on December 09, 2007, 04:00:54 PM
I've visited geofex, take a look at this:

and this

Are they the schematics you were looking for?
Title: Re: Jimi Hendrix Fuzz wah JH-1FW & 95Q schematic anyone?
Post by: Alman on December 10, 2007, 05:45:15 AM
No, I am looking for a complete schematic that shows all the componants and labels of the Fuzz Wah for trouble shooting purposes because the pedal does not power up at all. I replaced a transistor but it still does not work. The circuit board is double sided and it will take a long time to draw the schematic out. I was hoping there was one out there already.

Thanks anyway,
Title: Re: Jimi Hendrix Fuzz wah JH-1FW & 95Q schematic anyone?
Post by: nooneknows on December 10, 2007, 08:07:09 AM
ah, ok, I thought it was just a crybaby with the dunlop silicon FF combined.
Title: Re: Jimi Hendrix Fuzz wah JH-1FW & 95Q schematic anyone?
Post by: Alman on December 11, 2007, 08:27:21 AM
I am pretty sure that that is all is in the pedal but they have a few switching IC's so you can have the fuzz before the wah or the wah before the fuzz, or just the fuzz or just the wah. I have no idea what they sound like since the unit doesn't work. Not sure if I want to send it off to Dunlop to get it fixed.

Title: Re: Jimi Hendrix Fuzz wah JH-1FW & 95Q schematic anyone?
Post by: killerkev on December 14, 2007, 11:47:09 PM
Hey Alman!

No, I never found the schematic for this Hendrix fuzz wah. It still sits on the bench in the corner! I was thinking about calling dunlop for a schematic but I guess you found out the deal. Bastards! Double side mess!